Public Participation

There will be a public session commencing at 7.30pm at which any elector is entitled to raise any concerns, questions or suggestions.  Any matters raised will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 15 minutes.



To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence.

Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest in any tabled agenda items not already declared under the Council’s code of conduct or members’ Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


To note and approve a correction to the minutes from the 1 February 2018 meeting (ref 721). Invoice received from Fred Jackson related to the internal audit as opposed to the external audit.

Post above referenced amendment, to confirm, approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2018 as a true and correct record.

Matters Arising

To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

  • Play Area Sub-Committee

To receive any further information from Councillor Lewis on the identification of potential suitable sites for a village Play Area.

To receive further information and make any appropriate decisions regarding the type and potential cost of a bench to be erected on the southern edge of the Green to encourage children to play on the Green.

  • Defibrillator

To receive further information from Councillor Lewis regarding the funding and installation of the defibrillator in the Village Hall and to receive a report from Councillor Elmhirst following a  meeting with Ross Powell and John Thompson on 10 April.

Village Green

 To receive further information from Councillor Elmhirst and make any appropriate decisions regarding :

  •  the application for a Public Spaces Protection Order to address dog fouling on the Green.
  •  the cleaning out of shallow ditches and the repair of old and damaged drains and manholes on the Green to improve drainage.
  •  the submission of the application for the Natural England Environmental Stewardship grant for 2018 due by 15 May 2018
  •  a proposal to make an application to Natural England to exclude the land in the south west corner of the green (referenced in 4.12 above) from the Stewardship Scheme so that it can be cut appropriately to encourage children’s play.
  • the tender(s) received for the cutting and baling of the green and to apply to Natural England for a derogation to allow cutting to start 2 weeks early on 1 July.


 To receive further information from Councillor Cook and Councillor Harrison and make any appropriate decisions regarding future arrangements for the Parish lighting

Bus Service

 To receive an update from Councillor Elmhirst regarding the 42S bus service

Police Matters

To receive information and consider any police matters raised by Councillor Harrison.

Planning Matters

To receive an update from Councillor Elmhirst regarding :

  • the Plasmor proposals to develop the Clay Pit at Escrick – ref: PL/ES/ABW/1683/01/SR
  • the planning hearing scheduled for 17 April 2018 in relation to the development of the Stillingfleet Mine site – ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL.
  • the proposed demolition of the existing garage and erection of 2 dwellings at Stillingfleet Service Station York Road Stillingfleet York YO19 6SJ – ref: 2018/0152/FUL
  • the proposed demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 new detached dwellings and garages at Plantation House York Road Stillingfleet York YO19 6SJ – ref: 2018/0055/FUL

To receive the following planning decision:

  • Ref: 2017/0840/FUL – Proposed citing of log cabin to provide tourist accommodation on land, Stickle Barn, Stewart Lane, Stillingfleet – refused

Charity Matters

To receive an update from Councillor Elmhirst regarding applications for the tenancy on the Charity Field.

In accordance with resolution made on 1 February 2018 (ref 720) to complete paperwork required to change the signatories on the NS&I Charity Account ahead of the account being closed and replaced with a Yorkshire Bank current account.

Risk Assessment

To receive confirmation of the completion of the annual risk assessment and approve action to be taken

To make any appropriate decisions regarding removal of a fallen tree and removal of low branches encroaching the green.

Transparency and Website

To receive an update from the Clerk regarding the updating of the Parish Council website

Financial Matters

To retrospectively approve a payment of £20 for the 2017 Remembrance Wreath. (On 7 December 2017 (ref 715) a payment of £18 had been approved although at that stage no invoice had been received)

To receive a draft bank reconciliation as at 31 March 2018 and to note the requirement to re-direct the 2017 rental income from the Charity field and 2017 expenditure relating to the churchyard cutting, pensioners lunch and remembrance wreath from the Parish Council account to the Charity account.

To appoint two councillors to undertake a check of the 2017/18 accounting records ahead of the annual internal audit.

To approve Helen Guest (Clerk/RFO Escrick) as the Council’s new independent and competent Internal Auditor and commission the 2017-18 internal audit in accordance with the new Annual Internal Audit Reporting requirements.

To consider the new Annual Governance and Accountability reporting procedures and consider whether the Council wants to certify exemption from submission of an AGAR to the external auditor.

To approve the following accounts for payment:

  H Breheney (Clerk’s salary for Jan & Feb 2018) £170.88
  HMRC (re Breheney salary for Jan & Feb 2018) £31.00
  Purely payroll £12.05
  YLCA membership invoice for 1/4/18 – 31/3/19 £130.00
  Red Kite Services (for laptop/website training for new clerk) £75.00


To consider the Council’s CIL statement dated March; consider how the available monies should be spent and understand the Council’s annual reporting requirements

DPA compliance

To seek approval to paying £45 for the Clerk to attend a YLCA training event in relation to roles and responsibilities to ensure compliance with the new GDPR requirements coming into force in May 2015.


To consider recent correspondence received and decide on any action where necessary

Employment Matters

 To ascertain progress regarding the production of the Clerk’s job description and contract of employment

Next Meeting

To confirm that the next meeting scheduled for Thursday 31 May 2018 will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting commencing at 7.00 pm.

To confirm that the meeting on Thursday 31 May 2018 will be the annual general meeting of the Parish Council commencing at 7.30pm.  Councillors are asked to notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda.