2016-17 normal payments

Subscriptions – YLCA 124.00
CPRE  36.00
NYCC electricity for April ’15 to Mar ’16 1075.25 (excl. vat)
Insurance (Zurich) 251.85
Audit  70.00
Churchyard and cemetery grass cutting 975.00
Remembrance wreath, say  20.00
Village Hall for meetings 124.00
Village Green: Cutting, baling, removing
Weed Wiping
1860.00 (excl. vat)
Allow for increases 2% 102.72
Clerk – Salary and expenses 1100.00
Lighting repairs (203.20 to date) allow 500
Deduct: Wayleaves
Stewardship of Village Green


The above does not allow for dealing with the aftermath on the village green but the £600 for weed wiping is not a continuing expenditure every year.  Also not included is contingencies and any one-offs and legal costs, not yet foreseen.  No easement income is known.  Transparency Claim income and expenditure for setting up website ignored.  Any playground provision which cannot be estimated at this point in time could be met from balances.  Balance at 1st April 2017 as estimated in Half Year Report £5,005.

We should be informed by SDC in time for the meeting of the District support grant and the number (to be used in calculating the tax applicable between properties) of Band D Equivalent properties.

There is no limit on the amount of a parish council precept.  The present precept is £4,086.00.

The Parish Council have agreed to support by a proportionate subsidy a bus service on Sundays and Bank Holidays but this will not be until the works on Cawood bridge have been completed and the payment will be from the Charity Field fund.