Parish Council Minutes
Venue: Stillingfleet Village Hall
Date: Thursday 6 April 2017
Time: 7.30pm
Present: Councillor Paul Elmhirst in the Chair
Councillors J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, T Harrison, S Lewis and D Swinglehurst.
Officers Present: Hannah Breheney, Clerk to the Council
Press: 0
Public: 4 – Ross Powell, Michael O’Neill, Paul Holt and Alison Rothwell
The Proposed Play Area
A member of the public raised a question regarding the exact location on the village green of the proposed play area.
To put a map of the exact location of the proposed play area in the Parish notice board and on the website.
The Play Stillingfleet provided the Council with two handouts to give an overview on what the proposed play area could look like and the costs involved. Play Stillingfleet explained that they had had a meeting with Groundwork who could help with the planning, risk assessments and funding of the play area.
Play Stillingfleet had asked residents to write letters in support of the play area to the Parish Council, these were given to the Councillors to look at. They had also been in touch with the local MP. Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that the Parish Council Sub Committee set up to deal with the play area would respond to all the letters submitted.
Councillor Elmhirst stressed that everyone’s views must be taken into account when considering the proposed play area and that the process must be transparent. He also confirmed that there were still a lot of enquiries to be made regarding the consequences of a play area being placed on the village green. He then read out a summary of the last meeting of the “Play Group Committee” held in March 2017.
The Parish Sub Committee will continue to deal with the proposed play area, making sure that all Councillors and residents were kept informed of what was happening.
A member of Play Stillingfleet drew Councillors attention to the question asked eleven years ago to the Parish Council by Selby District Council regarding if there was a recreational need in the Parish; the Council had answered “Yes”. It was questioned if the answer was still the same now.
An apology for absence was received from Councillor Alison Spaven.
Councillor D Swinglehurst declared an interest in the parish field.
The Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 February 2017.
To approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 February 2017 for signing by the Chairman.
Councillor Elmhirst had had a meeting with Highways and he provided details of this meeting including that Highways had agreed that a grate was required on Church Hill.
Councillor Elmhirst asked Councillor Swinglehurst to confirm with the Lower Derwent Conservation Group that weed wiping was to be repeated in May 2017.
Councillor Elmhirst had produced a new complaints procedure, as discussed at the meeting held on the 2 February 2017.
Councillors resolved to adopt the new complaints procedure and to publish it.
At the last meeting, Councillor Lewis raised the issue of missing posts or way markers. It was decided that the Council needed to know where these were missing.
Councillor Lewis to go back to the resident that had raised the issue to find out where the missing posts and way markers exactly are.
Councillor Lewis provided details on a defibrillator for the village. She outlined other villages that had them, where they were located and the rough cost involved. A question was raised about servicing, and if this was required yearly? There was also discussion on where funding could be obtained for this.
To write to the Village Hall Committee asking them to apply to the Eastern Community Engagement Forum for funding towards a defibrillator.
Councillor Harrison had nothing to report.
The Parish Council had sent their observations to Selby District Council on the planning application at Woodland Farm Barns which included access and layout for the conversion of existing barns into dwelling houses. At present no decision notification had been received from Selby District Council.
Selby District Council had granted planning permission for the demolition and conversion of redundant agricultural building to a dwelling house with associated works and infrastructure at Stillingfleet Grange, Escrick Road.
The Parish Council had submitted a letter which outlined their objections to North Yorkshire County Council on the planning application for a change of use at Stillingfleet Mine. Councillor Elmhirst had received a response which accepted some of the concerns. He had also received a letter from Selby District Council which overall was positive. Councillors thanked Councillor Elmhirst for his work on this matter.
This matter had been covered in the public participation section. It was reiterated that the Parish Sub Committee would meet and go over all the correspondences and try to keep the village informed and invite feedback.Councillor Swinglehurst left the meeting at 8.26pm, during this discussion.
The public left at 8.30pm.
The issue of the wording of the copyright on the parish council website was raised and discussed.
The Clerk will amend the copyright wording on the website.
The Clerk confirmed that she had undertaken her website training. She made two suggestions to improve the website, to publish the Parish Council minutes as draft before they are approved at the Parish Meeting and to publish the dates of the next meetings.
To publish on the website draft minutes before they are approved at the Parish Meeting and the dates of the next Parish Meetings.
It was discussed purchasing a Parish laptop and printer. The Clerk provided details of a laptop she had seen.
For Councillor Cook and the Clerk to purchase a laptop, printer, software and security, with a spend of up to £500.
Councillor Elmhirst had received a letter from a resident regarding over hanging branches from a large tree on the village green onto their garden and asking if the branches could be cut back.
Councillor Elmhirst to go and trim the branches back.
Councillor Elmhirst outlined the details of a meeting he and Councillor Daniel had had with Natural England and their new representative, Margaret Trigg. The main points were the mowing date of The Green, it was asked if it could be brought forward to the 1 July from the 15. Natural England were non-committal and the Parish Council may have to apply for dispensation later.
Natural England were happy for weed wiping to be repeated. However, they were concerned by the spreading daffodils from the bridge.
Natural England would consider the problem of the absence of sheep and the high cost of disposing of poor quality haylage. The Council may need to follow this up. This matter was discussed and it was agreed that topping would be the obvious solution but would Natural England allow this.
The proposed play area was discussed, Natural England would require full details of the scheme before considering what effect it might have upon the Stewardship Scheme and the payment received from Natural England. They did raise concerns over the potential damage to the green by contractors.
To note the details of the report.
Councillor Elmhirst raised the issue of the Farm Tenancy handover of entitlements. He outlined what had been done so far with no success and was bringing before the Council to discuss what to do next.
To contact Cundalls for further legal advice.
To contact DEFRA, Councillor Daniels may have a DEFRA contact that he could pass on to the Chairman.
It was advised that the Council had had no response to the advert for cutting and baling of hay or disposal of bales. It was discussed what could be done now, Councillor Atkinson said he may know someone who could be approached to do this.
Councillor Elmhirst said he had received an E-mail expressing concerns highlighting the dangers at the corner of the green NW with Stewarts Lane. The Council discussed what could be done.
To monitor the situation and Councillor Elmhirst to send a response to the E-mail.
Councillor Elmhirst provided an outline on the risk assessment inspection report under taken in March 2017 by himself and Councillors Daniels. They assessed the green including trees, walls, fences, hedges, man hole covers, drain outlets, effluent leaks, doo faeces and notices, the parish field and permanent structures such as street lights, bus shelters, benches, waste bins, footbridges and pavements. Where any problems were noted there was also a recommended action. This assessment would be published on the parish council website.
To note the details of the report and publish it on the website.
Invoice received from Acorn Lighting for £72.72. Councillor Cook asked if when the old light bulbs failed they were being replaced with LED.
To authorise payment of this invoice, once Councillor Harrision has confirmed that all the lights are working. Councillor Harrison to speak with Acorn Lighting regarding a phased exchange of bulbs to LED.
Invoiced received from the Yorkshire Local Council Association (YLCA) to renew the membership for April 2017 to the 31 March 2018.
To continue the YLCA membership and pay the invoice for £128.
The annual membership to Campaign to Protect Rural England is due for renewal.
To continue with membership, once the Clerk has confirmed the fee and when it is due for payment.
The payment towards grass cutting of the churchyard and cemetery was discussed.
To pay £975 towards the cost of the grass cutting.
The Clerk informed the Council that she had received an E-mail from Selby District Council confirming that the Council did not have any money from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This issue was discussed as some Councillors thought that Stillingfleet should receive a payment.
The Clerk to contact Selby District Council to clarify the situation.
The Clerk had signed her Contract of Employment.
The Chairman of the Council to also sign the Clerks Contract of Employment.
This matter was considered under point 10 Village Green.
The procedure for correspondences to be circulated to Councillors was discussed.
The Clerk will send all correspondences to the Chairman who will then circulate to all Councillors.
Selby District Council had requested all the contact telephone numbers and E-mail addresses for all Parish Councillors to be published on their website. This matter was discussed and the Clerk explained that it was not a legal requirement for this information to be supplied.
Not to supply Selby District Council with contact telephone numbers or E-mail addresses for Parish Councillors and for all correspondences to go through the Clerk.
Planning applications and how the Parish dealt with them was also raised, especially as Councillor Cook had recently attended a YCLA course on this matter. The Chairman also informed Councillors that Selby District Council was running some planning training on the 10 April 2017, if people wished to attend.
It was agreed that this matter would be put on the next aagenda for further discussion and to look at how letters on planning application were written.
Thursday 25 May 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.