Parish Council Minutes

Venue: Stillingfleet Village Hall

Date: 1 February 2018

Time: 7.30pm

Present: Councillor Paul Elmhirst in the Chair

Councillors J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, M Dixon S Lewis and D Swinglehurst.

Officers Present: Hannah Breheney, Clerk to the Council.

Press: 0

Public: 3 –  Paul Holt, Mike O’Neil and Alison Rothwell.


A member of the public stated they were interested to hear about the play area and the defibrillator. Councilllor Elmhirst said that the Play Area Sub Committee had had a very constructive meeting with Play Stillingfleet. Councillor Lewis made a proposal to put a bench down the south edge of the green to provide an area for children to play and families to picnic. This area would have no play equipment on and would just be mowed by Play Stillingfleet. However, this would mean a very small section of the green would have to be removed from the Natural England scheme and the Council would have to make a small refund.


The Council supported the idea of a bench and the Play Area Sub Committee would look into the type of bench required and the costs involved.

Councillor Lewis then provided details of a Games Night she has organised on the 16 February to try and engage all sections of the community.

A member of the public questioned if the figures from the play area questionnaire were per household or per person. It was confirmed that some questions were per household and others were per person. It was also asked if children were counted in the figures and the answer to this question was “Yes”. Councillor Elmhirst explained that the Play Area Sub Committee had discussed at length who should be included in the questionnaire and it wanted to be fair to everyone.

Defibrillator – A member of the public asked if any thought had been given to renting a defibrillator rather than buying one. Councillor Lewis said she would look into this.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harrison.


Councillor Swinglehurst declared an interest in the parish field and planning application: Ref: 2017/1324/FUL – Land at Tiger Island.


The Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 7 December 2017.


To approve the minutes of the council meeting held on the 7 December 2017 for signing by the Chairman.


Defibrillator – Councillor Lewis confirmed that Play Stillingfleet had agreed to apply for the funding for a defibrillator. The issue of training was raised at the last meeting and Councillor Lewis confirmed that most companies provide training when supplying a defibrillator, however, a defibrillator can be used without training, there are very clear instructions. She also raised the issue of contacting the Village Hall regarding siting the defibrillator.


Councillor Elmhirst to make a formal approach to the Village Hall regarding siting a defibrillator.

Community Engagement – this was covered in the public participation section.

New Clerk – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that Ruth Swales had been appointed as the parish clerk.

Street Lighting – Councillor Cook had noted that one of the councils biggest expenses were street lighting and the electricity costs. He had contacted North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) regarding their LED lighting roll out, however, this project did not extend to parish lights. Councillor Cook did find out that NYCC can provide a contract to maintain the parish lights and had supplied a menu of costs.


Councillor Cook to liaise with Councillor Harrison regarding the arrangements for parish lighting.


Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that the Play Area Sub Committee had met with Play Stillingfleet. There still had been no site identified for a play area in the village but a number of options were being explored. The Council will continue to meet with Play Stillingfleet, from time to time, to keep the project moving forward.


Councillor Lewis informed the Council that the Community Messenger Service with the Police is available to anyone, interested parties just have to sign up.


Ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL- the land at the Former Stillingfleet Mine Site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that this application continued to be postponed and it may get rejected but nothing had been formally confirmed.

Ref: PL/ES/ABW/1683/01/SR – Clay Pit, Escrick – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that Julian Slater from Plasmor had invited the Parish Council to visit their site at Great Heck for a look round. A number of Councillors confirmed they would like to attend this visit.


Councillor Elmhirst to arrange a date and time with Plasmor for a visit.

Ref: 2017/0840/FUL – Proposed siting of log cabin to provide tourist accommodation on land, Stickle Barn, Stewart Lane, Stillingfleet – The application had been circulated to all Councillors and the consensus was to object.


Councillor Elmhirst to submit a letter to the planning department at Selby District Council outlining the Council’s objections to this application.

Ref: 2017/1324/FUL – Proposed erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling – Land at Tiger Island, Stewart Lane, Stillingfleet – this application is still being circulated round all the Councillors.


The Council will submit it’s final considerations when all the Councillors observations have been received.

Alison Rothwell left the meeting at 8.35pm.


Councillor Elmhirst will consult with the new clerk to confirm if any computer training is required.


Councillor Elmhirst had met with contractors regarding the possibility of cleaning out the shallow ditches on the green to allow water to flow into the beck. Councillors believed this would help to remove the surface water on the green.


Councillor Elmhirst to get a quote for this work.

Councillor Elmhirst had also had another proposal to run a drain down the side of the green with aggregate and this would allow water to run down into the beck. After considering the map which had been provided, it was decided that this idea may cause more problems than it solved.

Dog Fouling – Councillor Elmhirst provided an update on the dog fouling incident that had been reported at the last meeting. He had also been in touch with Selby District Council regarding a dog order for the green. The Public Spaces Protection Order is the legislation that allows fines for people not picking up after their dog, however, Selby District Council would need to apply for this not the Parish Council. Councillor Elmhirst is awaiting further information from Selby District Council.

Michael O’Neill and Paul Holt left the meeting at 8.45pm


The Clerk submitted her wage slip for payment.


To pay Mrs H Breheney, Clerk to the Council, for November and December 2017 – £118.60.

Invoice received from HMRC for the Clerk’s tax, paid by the Clerk as it had to be received by HMRC before the 22 January and therefore before the Parish Meeting.


To refund the Clerk for the HMRC payment of £20.60.

Invoice received from Purely Payroll for administering the Council’s payroll.


To pay the Purely Payroll invoice for £12.05.

Invoice received from Lifeline PA Services Limited for the play area questionnaire.


To pay the Lifeline PA Services Limited invoice for £63.54.

Invoice received from Stillingfleet Village Institute for the hire of the hall for the 2017 parish meetings.


To pay the Stillingfleet Village Institute invoice for £124.00.

A further invoice was received from Stillingfleet Village Institute for the hire of the hall for the play area consultation.


To pay the Stillingfleet Village Institute invoice for £40.00.

Invoice received from Fred Jackson for the internal audit of the 2017 parish accounts.


To pay the Fred Jackson invoice for £70.00

Invoice received from the Yorkshire Local Councils Association for a New Clerk Course.


To pay the Yorkshire Local Councils Association invoice for £86.25.

The clerks salary for January and February 2018 was deferred until the next meeting.


Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that he had received two responses regarding the advert for the tenancy on the charity field.

Rental Income – It was proposed to have a charity account with a cheque book, as it would make it easier to use. All Councillors were in favour of this.


To close the current charity account and open a new one with the Yorkshire Bank that has a cheque book. The signatories will remain the same as the ones that had been on the previous account.


Clerk and Councils Direct – Now being circulated to all Councillors.


April Meeting – Councillor Elmhirst explained that the Village Hall was booked on the 5 April when the next meeting is scheduled. So the meeting could be held on the 5 April but at another venue or the date of the meeting could be changed.


To move the parish meeting to the 12 April 2018.

Councillor Atkinson had noted at the remembrance service that the letters on the memorial were very faded and perhaps this was something that the Council could consider repairing.

Councillor Cook confirmed that the draft budget for 2018/19 had not yet been published on the website due to some minor amendments being required. These were now complete.


To publish the draft budget for 2018/19 on the website.


Thursday 12 April 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm