Minutes of meeting held on 2nd February 2017

Present:- Cllrs P Elmhirst, J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, T Harrison, S Lewis. A Spaven, D Swinglehurst.

In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council), Hannah Breheney, Ross Powell, Alison Rothwell. Michael O’Neil.

Welcome to Hannah Breheney our clerk elect

Cllr Elmhirst welcomed Hannah Breheney and the other visitors. He gave a brief summary of the new clerk’s career and evervone introduced themselves round the table.

Public Participation

In response to Cllr Elmhirst question. Michael had attended as against a play area on the village green for various reasons and the other two visitors (members of the play group) were for a play area. Cllr Collingridge said that Michael may not have realised that a site in the southwest corner of the green was now under investigation by the play group. Michael left the meeting at the end of this item.

Apologies:- Cllr R Daniel – accepted.

Declarations of Interest:- Cllr Swinglehurst (parish field).

Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st December 2016 were confirmed as a correct record.

Matters arising from meeting 1st December 2016

Highway PC letter sent to Selby Highways 6/12/16 – as there was no reply yet to the letter it was resolved that the Clerk send a reminder.

Police matters

Cllr Harrison made a note of some councillors who wanted adding to his list for circulation by email of local crimes.

Planning matters:

SDC Planning granted permission for the conversion of a stable block to a single dwelling at Beck Farm. Escrick Road – the Clerk reported that the permission had several conditions, particularly about drainage, so he was including it in Circulation.

Outline planning application received to include access and layout (all other matters reserved) for conversion of existing barns into three dwelling houses to include demolitions, conversion, re-construction, infill, garaging, access. parking and gardens/paddocks at Woodland Farm Barns, Moreby: PC observations have been sent.

Planning application received for demolition and conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to a dwelling house with associated works and infrastructure at Stillingfleet Grange, Escrick Road: PC observations have been sent.

Play area:

Cllr Elmhirst reported on a meeting on 16th January 2017 with him, Alison Rothwell, Ross Powell and the representative of a play area firm when the southwest area of the green was examined as a possible site and the representative will produce a draft scheme. The report mentions planning issues in respect of the site being registered as a site of importance for nature conservation, a higher level Stewardship Scheme and within the conservation area and, once these issues have been clarified, the procedure regarding a play area detailed in the minutes of the council meeting on 1st December 2016 apply. The last paragraph of the report, to speed up the decision making process, was left for the agenda of the next council meeting. Cllr Cook said that a grant of the order of £7k might be available from the CEF but they expected a similar voluntary contribution. Alison Rothwell and Ross Powell left the meeting at the end of this item.

Transparency Fund and website development:

Cllr Cook detailed a possible problem to change the web provider with the wording on the website regarding copyright. Cllr Collingridge agreed to take the details up with the web provider.

Complaints procedure

In view of a possibility of a complaint proceeding regarding letting of the Parish Field, Cllr Elmhirst had drafted a single-page complaints procedure that matched Circular 2/86 which did not involve the Clerk as defendant. The Clerk reported that the complaints procedure on the council website was out of date, having been succeeded by a revision, and an alternative procedure would be a revision to Standing Orders. It was resolved that the Clerk send out the proposed procedure by email and the matter be on the agenda for the next council meeting.

Village Green:

Procedure for aftermath

Cllr Elmhirst repeated that he had applied for a Derogation not to deal with the aftermath and that now he had been informed that Ailsa was no longer the contact at Natural England and that Ailsa would bring her successor to meet Cllr Elmhirst and other interested councillors.

Regarding the last minutes vat additional to the payment of f78.64 to G B Daniel & Sons was approved.

Instruction for weed wiping

It was resolved to ask Natural England again for the weed wiping to be done, in May.

Advertisement for cutting and baling for hay or disposal of bales It was resolved that as well as on the noticeboard the advertisement should be in the Parish Magazine and in Riccall.

Risk Assessment – Cllr Elmhirst said he would do this with Cllr Daniel for the next council meeting.

Financial matters:

Findings of the council internal auditors on the half year accounts report – Cllr Spavin reported that she had found the accounts to be OK.

Northern Powergrid: quotation as yet not received – it was resolved that the Clerk chase up.

Acorn Lighting Services Ltd – f200.00 plus vat for new bracket and service box to the LED light.

Clerk – (for consistency payment in this financial year by post-dated cheque) annual salary 96hrs @ f,8.717 (rate approved 4th August 2016): f 836.83, less direct to HMRC 20o/o x f.836 : fl67 .20, net payment f.669.63 + total expenses claim for the year (unused second class stamps to be passed to the new Clerk) f273.83 + f.15.24 vat: cheque for 1958.70 were approved for payment to J D Birch and HMRC.

Charity matters:

Farm Business Tenancy handover of entitlements – It was resolved that Cllr Spaven ask Mr Warters of Cundalls the appropriate wording for the Clerk to send a letter to David Atkinson.


CPRE Countryside Voice and Fieldwork, Winter 2016

White Rose Update 9 December 2016

CPRE NY newsletter Winter 2016

Any other business

Cllr Elmhirst – photographing feral tomcats.It was resolved that Cllrs Spaven, Collingridge and Lewis try to resolve the problem not involving the parish council.

Cllr Cook reported that Grace Atkinson had said that were several persons interested in the Energy Doctor charity and a meeting with them on 29th March 2017 in the Village Hall had been arranged.

It was noted that for contact with the Village Hall on the parish council website this could only be by a link.

Cllr Lewis – public footpath signage – Cllr Lewis reported that there was a problem of missing posts or way marker signs. It was resolved that the Clerk check whether these were the responsibility of the landowner or Highways. The Clerk reported that he received an email notification too late for the agenda of a consultation on public rights of way; the questionnaire to be returned before the next meeting. Cllrs Elmhirst and Spaven showed an interest in viewing the proposals on the NYCC website.

Cllr Lewis – defibrillator for the village – Cllr Lewis said that the parish council might consider the provision of a defibrillator and agreed to investigate further. Cllr Cook said that a grant might be available from the CEF.

Date of next meeting – Thursday 6ft April 2017 in the Village Hall 7.00pm Annual Parish Meeting – Chairman’s Report and Public Participation 7.3Opm Parish Council Meeting

Meeting closed 9.25 pm.