Present:- Cllrs P Elmhirst, J Atkinson, L Collingridge, T Harrison, J Pollock, A Spaven.

In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council).

Public Participation

Cllr Harrison reported that Mrs Preston had complained to him that Selby District Council was not listed in the alphabetical section of the phone book.

Apologies:- Cllrs J Cook, R Daniel, D Swinglehurst – accepted.

Declarations of Interest:- None.


Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2015 were confirmed as a correct record.


Matters arising from meeting 3rd December 2015:-

Possible claim to Transparency Fund –

After discussion the Council decided to proceed.


NYCC Street Lighting Depot offer to quote for maintenance: no reply yet to PC letter sent 13/11/15 giving details –

The Clerk reported that his letter to NYCC had been filed without being seen by the intended recipient or his colleague and would now be quoted for in time for the next meeting.


SDC Community Infrastructure Levy presentation:  Cllr Cook intended attendance –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that Cllr Cook had been unable to attend the meeting but had received information that it was not yet known how the Community Infrastructure Levy was going to operate.


Noticeboards –

Regarding the noticeboard near the green, it was resolved that the Clerk follow up that the minutes of last meeting stated it was agreed that  Cllr Daniel contact a local person.

Regarding the churchyard display board, Cllr Elmhirst reported that he had prepared the information and would follow up the display of it.


Police matters

Email Ringmaster reports from Eggborough forwarded to Parish Councillors

Details expected regarding being in the Sherburn area – it was resolved that the Clerk follow this up with Cllr Cook.


Planning matters:-

Stillingfleet mine site: any follow up from Cllr Casling with Ian Irwin of NYCC –

It was resolved, as there were currently no known problems, to leave this item off future agendas.


Conifer Drive development –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that due to the high levels of water in The Beck the CCTV drain investigation had not yet been carried out but was now imminent.

Manor Cottage development –

It was noted the final top course, hump and gulley were awaiting finishing of the houses.


SDC Planning (recorded in the previous minutes as granted) permission for erection of a two storey dwelling with attached double garage at Plot 1, The Manor, The Green –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that SDC Planning had considered this application sustainable as there was a church and public house in Stillingfleet.  He was considering a draft letter protesting.

SDC Planning refused permission for proposed erection of a detached two storey dwelling with detached single garage at Plot 2, The Manor, The Green –

It was noted that the Village Design Statement had been taken into account.


SDC Planning granted permission for variation of condition 10 of Conifer Drive plot 2 –

It was noted that plots 1 and 2 would be no longer identical.


SDC Planning granted permission for new Implement Shed with Hay Store at Croft Livery Yard, Stewart Lane


Planning application for Lawful Development Certificate for existing use of a dwelling and touring caravan site, The Bungalow, Moreby Grange, Moreby –

Cllr Collingridge declared an interest in the application.  It was resolved that the observation be no objection; the existing use, as far as could be remembered, has been continuous since the certificate was granted for a maximum of five touring caravans before the start of the century.


Traffic Calming: PC letter sent 18/5/15 to NYCC stating a decision on Vehicle Activated Signs will be made at the August meeting, no response; PC questionnaire in Parish Magazine, in December, residents’ replies to be considered at this meeting –

It was noted that, though the questionnaires were distributed to all properties, only nine responses had been received with no consensus.  It was resolved not to pay for any further vehicle activated signs and to apply for NYCC Highways to extend the footpath on the east side of York Road up to the Coach Road bridleway.


Buses – no known problems.


Discussion on lack of children’s playing facilities

It was resolved to aim for the location for some equipment of timber not plastic in an area behind the Church and a committee of Cllrs Pollock, Collingridge and Atkinson was appointed for further preparatory investigation.


Village Green:-

Work to trees: stump grinding: 2nd reminder sent 12/10/14

Proposed meeting with Natural England –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that he was hoping to organise the meeting in April, with it having been suggested by Natural England that more weed wiping was needed.  It was resolved that this might not be a possible solution to accept.

Procedure for hay cutting in July –

A committee of Cllrs Swinglehurst, Atkinson and Elmhirst was appointed to investigate further.


Risk Assessment:-

Report expected following a walk round of Cllr Elmhirst with Branches Out –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that Branches Out had quoted for removal of branches of several trees for safety for £380.00.  It was resolved to accept this and with the timber not left on site, and a reminder about stump grinding (as above).

Phone call from NYCC Public Rights of Way to Clerk to say all done –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that the work was done but the path in the Parish Field went across a wet ditch, for which there was a detour.


Church boundary wall: church architect’s response awaited –

It was noted that a suggestion was to bank up with earth on the outside of the wall.


Next inspection to arrange –

Cllr Elmhirst agreed to do the risk assessment inspection for the next meeting.


Financial matters:-

Acorn Lighting Services Ltd – incorrectly stated in minutes of meeting on 1st October 2015 as £32.40, payment of £35.60 plus vat was approved; regarding the invoice received to replace ballast and lamp to column 6 (The Green) for £53.60 plus vat, Cllr Elmhirst reported that the light had worked for a short time but was not now working and Cllr Harrison reported that he had emailed this to Acorn Lighting Services Ltd; it was resolved not yet to pay the invoice.

Cllr Spaven: printing of speeding questionnaire if invoice received – Cllr Spaven said that she would not charge for printing of the questionnaires but she had had to pay the annual charge for the website; reimbursement of £71.99 plus tax £14.40 = £86.39 was approved.

Village Hall hire – invoice received for hire for 2015 for £124.00 was approved for payment and it was accepted that the Clerk cross out the paragraph on the booking form that asks for an hour’s deposit.


Charity matters:-

FBT Agreement: PC reminder sent for rent due –

Cllr Spaven reported that EU payments could be claimed in any currency and virtually all payments had been made for 2015.  It was resolved to give the tenant until 1st March 2016 to pay.

Procedure for a new Farm Business Tenancy –

It was resolved to ask a local person.



CPRE Field Work and Countryside Voice, Winter 2015

NYCC Selby Area Committee poster and agenda for meeting on December 14th

YLCA White Rose Update 23 December 2015 with briefing note on sector led body for external audit, NALC factsheet number 1, letter from Chairman Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Ltd, YLCA letter regarding membership subscriptions 2016/2017 and flyer about the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations –

It was resolved to be opted-in to the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments scheme and that the scope of the audit is that, after the agreed procedure for council members internal audit has been completed, to carry out an independent audit of the presented accounts.


Email from Cllr Cattanach of Utopia emergency timetable for Cawood Bridge closed – forwarded.


YLCA Selby Branch notice and agenda for meeting on February 10th and minutes of meeting on 7/10/15 – forwarded to Cllrs Cook and Elmhirst.


Any other business:-

Clerk: confirmation requested to shred past planning records except grant of permissions for contentious applications –

It was noted it was necessary to keep at least any grant of permission with conditions limiting use.


Date of next meeting – Thursday 7th April 2016 in the Village Hall

7.00pm Annual Parish Meeting – Chairman’s Report and Public Participation

7.30pm Parish Council Meeting


Meeting closed 9.35 pm.
