- Welcome, attendance and apologies:
The Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors as follows:
Councillors: Paul Elmhirst (Chair), John Cook (Vice-chair), James Atkinson, Lesley Collingridge, Richard Daniel, Michelle Dixon, Terry Harrison, Sally Lewis,
Clerk: Ruth Swales
Visitors: Joanne Sears, M O’Neill.
Council received apologies from Cllr Swinglehurst and accepted his reason given. All present signed the Attendance sheet.
18034 Public Participation:
Updates on two matters of interest were requested:
- Progress with the planning application for the Stillingfleet Mine Site
- Likely timing of the donation from the Charity fund towards the Play Stillingfleet Baby and Toddler Group
both of which were already tabled for discussion on the agenda and are minuted below. Ms Sears advised that there were 5 babies who now attended the Baby Group which meant the venture could break even. She advised that Play Stillingfleet were using various existing communication channels to promote the Group and were looking at alternatives for increasing take up.
The Chair wished to minute that he, along with other Councillors, had attended the funeral of John Birch who had given many years good service as a former Clerk to the Council. A letter of condolences had been sent to his wife on behalf of the Council.
18035 Declarations of Interests:
There were no declarations of interest in any agenda items.
18036 Minutes:
Council resolved to accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2 August 2018 and the Chairman signed them as a true record.
18037 Matters Arising from the August meeting:
Council received the following updates on ongoing issues and decided on further action where appropriate:
18037.1 Play Stillingfleet’s update:
Cllr Lewis advised that to date they had not been able to identify someone with appropriate machinery to cut the corner of the Green which is to be kept short to encourage children’s play. Consequently Play Stillingfleet were considering commissioning a contractor who could undertake the cut periodically through the summer months. Play Stillingfleet may then seek a donation from the Charity fund towards this expense.
Council noted that there had still been no response from the owner of the land directly behind the Village Institute re its availability for a playground but were reminded the land was believed to be subject to the granting of probate.
18037.2 Village Green updates:
– Council were advised that Natural England have been advised of the type of machinery Sweetings intend to deploy to re-grade the grips and ditches to aid drainage of the Green but despite chasing they have not as yet approved the derogation allowing this work to be completed this autumn.
– Council noted that John Boness had agreed to complete the removal of the fallen tree identified for removal through the Risk Assessment but to date this work had not been completed. Cllr Elmhirst is to chase up.
– Council were advised that the order for the installation of 4 Dog Waste bins has been placed and is expected to take 9 weeks for delivery. A request to move the siting of the existing waste bin (currently outside the church lych gate) has been submitted although Selby DC have challenged whether there is sufficient room to move the bin to near the bus stop without obstructing the access path to the Green.
RESOLVED that Council should re-submit the request supported by a larger scale, more detailed map demonstrating the proposed re-site would not inhibit access.
– Council noted that the late cutting of the Green had taken place at no expense to the Council as the sale value of the grass had covered the cost.
– Cllr Elmhirst advised that it had come to his attention that it appeared the developers of the Manor Cottages hadn’t compiled with the planning conditions in relation to drainage which was causing a drainage problem through water run off at periods of heavy rain. A discussion followed re the various alternatives for addressing this problem.
Cllr Elmhirst agreed to talk to the IDB and the Highways Department about water on the drive of the Manor Cottage development.
18037.3 Speeding Problem update:
In the absence of any other viable suggestions to curb motorcycle speed and noise in the village Council RESOLVED to make enquiries of the Highways Department as to what conditions and costs would apply to the installation of a vehicle activated speed (VAS) sign on the approach to the village.
- Policy Review Update :
RESOLVED to adopt the proposed Records Management Policy drafted by the Policy Review Committee and noted that all adopted policies are being posted onto the Council Website for future reference.
18039General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Update:
Council was advised that the Policy Review Committee (PRC) has continued to action its terms of reference by reviewing the Council’s GDPR Action plan and by producing proposed Privacy Notices. Council noted that it could be argued that the proposed Privacy Notices vastly exceed anything this Parish Council is likely to need in the foreseeable future, but as these notices are recommended by YLCA and NALC and will cover the Council for most eventualities both now and in the future, the PRC had recommended their adoption. Therefore to further demonstrate and evidence that the Council is continuing to make progress in moving towards compliance Councillors:
– APPROVED the GDPR Action Plan noting the progress achieved to date and the actions now required of Council and Councillors
– RESOLVED to adopt the proposed General Privacy Notice and post on the Council’s website and use as a link on Council e-mail footers
– RESOLVED to adopt the proposed Privacy Notice for Councillors and Clerk and to issue such notices to relevant personnel.
- Police Matters:
Council noted that other than the notification of a theft of power tools from a farm shed in Stillingfleet (which had been circulated ahead of the meeting) there were no further police matters to highlight.
- Planning Matters:
18041.1 Council noted the further postponement of the planning hearing (which had been scheduled for 11 September 2018) in relation to the application for change of use of part of the former coal mine site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet. – ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL. As yet no alternative date for the hearing has been advised.
The Planning Committee had received an introduction to a Mr David Hardy, a Planning Lawyer, but to date had not received any advice from him regarding how to proceed. Ross Powell has suggested an introduction to an alternative Planning Lawyer and the Planning Committee intend to seek an indication of his costs for formulating a letter of objection on Council’s behalf.
RESOLVED that Planning Committee approach the Council’s of Escrick, Cawood, Naburn and Kelfield to ask whether they would be prepared to share any such costs incurred.
RESOLVED that our Council would approve a budget of up to £250 for this purpose.
18041.2 Council were advised that observations had been submitted in relation to the proposed erection of a single storey front/side extension at Tullivers, Church Hill YO19 6SA – ref: 2018/0993/HPA
18041.3 Council were advised of the following planning decisions:
- the granting of planning permission subject to listed conditions allowing the proposed demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 new detached dwellings and garages at Plantation House York Road Stillingfleet York YO19 – Ref: 2018/0055/FUL
- the granting of consent to the felling of one apple tree within the conservation area at Rose Villa, The Green – ref 2018/0862/TCA
- Matters raised by Councillors:
18042.1 Cllr Harrison advised Council that an official from Northern Powergrid had visited recently and advised that they intend to re-site the street light which is currently outside the telephone box moving it to the entry to Laburnum Road.
RESOLVED to write to Northern Powergrid to ask them to confirm that when the street light is relocated it will be fitted with a new LED light thereby improving its efficiency.
18042.2 Cllr Cook advised Council that the current editor of the Parish Magazine had tendered her resignation and as yet no replacement has been identified. Consequently future Parish magazines will only include local advertising and church notices. Council recognised that this closes a useful communication channel for sharing information with Parishioners. To partially address this situation Council RESOLVED to ask Jane Smith (who hosts the Stillingfleet Gazette facebook) to post a generic notice that in the absence of the Parish magazine the Parish Council will periodically post information which it feels could be of interest to parishioners on the Parish Council website (www.stillingfleetparishcouncil.org).
Cllr Cook provided a briefing following his recent attendance at the CEF forum on 27 September. The Forum had received a presentation from some Parish nurses covering what is Parish Nursing and the current services that they offer. They also delivered a presentation on how to prevent the onset of type2 diabetes and provided two leaflets containing this information.
RESOLVED to post these information leaflets on the Parish Council website.
18042.3 The Clerk advised that the revised timetable for the 42 and 42S bus services, necessitated by the closure of Cawood bridge for 4 weeks from 22 October, was now available and that Council had been asked to facilitate its distribution and publication around the village. It was proposed that Council ask the people who usually distribute the Parish magazine if they could help with this task which is to be completed week commencing 15 October.
- Financial Matters:
18043.1 Council received a report from the Clerk/RFO on recent receipts and closing balances and resolved to make any payments due:
Recent receipts:
50% S106 funding towards Dog Waste bins | £264.37 |
2nd instalment of 2018/19 precept | £2,220.06 |
It was noted that Council has not received any of the due grants from Natural England since June 2018 despite the application being lodged and acknowledged by them within the due date.
RESOLVED to chase the outstanding grant to ascertain likely date of receipt.
Closing balances as at 30 September 2018 :
Parish Council current account £5,451.78
Parish Council NS& I account £2,072.05
RESOLVED to ask Cllrs Daniel and Dixon to undertake the half yearly interim audit which is due as at 30 September 2018
RESOLVED to make the following payments:
Sam Lyth @ Red Kite services for SSL licence for website | £29.99 |
Steve Smowton @ Escrick.net for Laptop upgrade as per quotation minuted at 2/8/18 meeting | £320.00 |
HMRC re Clerk’s tax – July/August | £33.40 |
Solutions for Payroll | £12.05 |
Ruth Swales re expenses | £15.34 |
To note payment of Clerk’s salary for July & August |
RESOLVED that as Council needs to consider its 2019-20 budget at the next meeting the Clerk should produce and circulate a draft for consideration by 30/11.
18044 Charity Matters:
Council received an update on the following ongoing issues and decided upon further action as appropriate:
– It was noted that the Farm Business Tenancy re the ByeLaw Field for the period starting 1/10/18 and ending 30/9/2020 has been drawn up and signed by the tenant and an invoice issued to tenant for the payment of the annual rent of £1,539.90 due 1/10/2018.
– It was noted that all formalities have been completed for the opening of the Yorkshire Bank current account for the Charity in replacement for the NS&I account.
RESOLVED to issue instructions to NS&I to transfer the Charity account balance to Yorkshire Bank and close the NS&I account.
RESOLVED to make the following payments/donations as soon as the Charity’s funds have been transferred from NS&I:
Play Stillingfleet re Baby & Toddler Group as per minutes 2/8/2018 ref 18031 | £300.00 |
Stillingfleet PCC re Churchyard and cemetery cutting as per minutes 31/5/2018 ref 18013.2 | £975.00 |
Grace Atkinson re Pensioners Christmas Lunch – 2018 | £350.00 |
Cundalls Chartered Surveyors re preparation of the Farm Business Tenancy | £144.00 |
Closing balance of Charity account after the above donations and payments will be £6,513.42.
- Date of Next Meeting:
It was confirmed that the date of the next meeting will be Thursday 6 December 2018 at 7.30pm.