Chairman: Cllr Paul Elmhirst

Clerk/RFO: Ruth Swales, Brookfield, The Green Stillingfleet YO19 6SG


  1. Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and any visitors to the meeting and open the public participation session if appropriate.

18034       Apologies / Attendance

  1. a) Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
  2. b) All present are requested to sign the Attendance sheet.

18035     Declarations of Interests:

Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.

18036     Minutes:

a). To resolve whether to accept Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2 August 2018.

b). If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.

18037     Matters Arising from the last meeting:

To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

18037.1  Play Stillingfleet’s update re:

–     establishment of a rota for cutting the corner of the Green which is to be kept short to encourage children’s play

18037.2  Village Green updates:

–     To ascertain whether there has been any response from Natural England re the derogation allowing the re-grading of the grips and ditches and any quotes received for the work to be completed this autumn.

–     To ascertain whether Branches Out have completed the removal of the fallen tree and lower branches identified for removal through the Risk Assessment.

–     To note that the order has been placed for the installation of 4 Dog Waste bins along with a request to move the siting of the existing waste bin (currently outside the church lynch gate).  Selby DC have challenged that in their opinion there does not appear to be sufficient room to move the bin to near the bus stop without obstructing the access path to the Green. Therefore Council to consider either an alternative location or the purchase of a post mounted bin which could be attached to the bus stop pole at a cost of £101.58

–    To note the late cutting of the Green at no expense to the Council

18037.3    Speeding Problem update:

  • Any progress re further enquiries re any possible steps which could be considered to curb motorcycle speed and noise in the village.
  1. Policy Review Update :

To consider and review the final draft Records Management policy (appendix 1 in DropBox>PC meeting – 4/10/18) which the Policy Review Committee recommend for adoption by the Council and:

–  RESOLVE to adopt the proposed Records Management Policy noting that all adopted policies will be posted onto the Council Website for future reference. 

18039     General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): The Policy Review Committee (PRC) has continued to action its terms of reference by reviewing the Council’s GDPR Action plan and producing proposed Privacy Notices.  It could be argued that the proposed Privacy Notices vastly exceed anything our PC is likely to need in the foreseeable future, but as these notices are recommended by our trade body and will cover the Council for most eventualities both now and in the future the PRC recommend their adoption.  Therefore to further demonstrate and evidence that the Council is making progress in moving towards compliance Councillors to consider, review and:

–  APPROVE the GDPR Action Plan (appendix 2 in DropBox>PC meeting – 4/10/18) noting the progress achieved to date and the actions now required of Council and Councillors

–  RESOLVE to adopt the proposed General Privacy Notice (appendix 3 in DropBox>PC meeting – 4/10/18) to be posted on the Council’s website and used as a link on Council e-mail footers

–  RESOLVE to adopt the proposed Privacy Notice for Councillors and Clerk (appendix 4 in DropBox>PC meeting – 4/10/18) and to issue such notice to relevant personnel. 

  1. 18040. Police Matters: To receive information and consider any police matters raised by Councillor Harrison.
  2. Planning Matters: To receive information and updates on the following:

18041.1   –    Update from the Planning Committee re the further postponement of the planning hearing (which had been scheduled for 11 September 2018) in relation to the application for change of use of part of the former coal mine site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet. – ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL.

  • Update re the introduction to a Planning Lawyer
  • Update re the letters to be submitted to the Head of Planning at Selby DC

18041.2    Papers being circulated in relation to the proposed erection of a single storey front/side extension at Tullivers, Church Hill YO19 6SA – ref: 2018/0993/HPA

18041.3  To receive the following planning decision:

  • the granting of planning permission subject to listed conditions allowing the proposed demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 new detached dwellings and garages at Plantation House York Road Stillingfleet York YO19 – Ref: 2018/0055/FUL
  • the granting of consent to the felling of one apple tree within the conservation area at Rose Villa, The Green – ref 2018/0862/TCA 
  1. Matters raised by Councillors

To consider the following issues tabled by Councillors and discuss and decide upon any further action where necessary:

18042.1  Number 5 street light (raised by Cllr Harrison)

18042.2  Update from CEF forum on 27 September 2018 (tabled by Cllr Cook) 

  1. 18043. Financial Matters

18043.1  To receive a report from the Clerk/RFO on recent receipts, closing balances and budget variances and resolve to make any payments due:  

Recent receipts:

50% S106 funding towards Dog Waste bins £264.37
2nd instalment of 2018/19 precept £2,220.06

 Closing balances as at 30 September 2018 :

Parish Council current account                                         £5,451.78

Parish Council NS& I account                                          £2,072.05

To resolve to make the following payments:

Sam Lyth @ Red Kite services for SSL licence for website £29.99
Steve Smowton @ for Laptop upgrade as per quotation minuted at 2/8/18 meeting £320.00
HMRC re Clerk’s tax – July/August £33.40
Solutions for Payroll £12.05
Ruth Swales re expenses £15.34
To note payment of Clerk’s salary for July & August

18044     Charity Matters

To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where appropriate:

–        To note that the Farm Business Tenancy re the ByeLaw Field for the period starting 1/10/18 and ending 30/9/2020 has been drawn up and signed by the tenant and invoice issued to tenant for the payment of the annual rent of £1,539.90 due 1/10/2018.

–       To note that all formalities have been completed for the opening of the Yorkshire Bank current account for the Charity in replacement for the NS&I account (the new cheque book and paying-in book are awaited). RESOLVE to now issue instructions to NS&I to transfer the Charity account balance to Yorkshire Bank and close the NS&I account.

To resolve to make the following payments/donations as soon as the new cheque book is available and the Charities funds have been transferred from NS&I:

Emma Johnstone re Baby & Toddler Group as per minutes 2/8/2018 ref 18031 £300.00
Stillingfleet PCC re Churchyard and cemetery cutting as per minutes 31/5/2018 ref 18013.2 £975.00
Grace Atkinson re Pensioners Christmas Lunch – 2018 £350.00
Cundalls Chartered Surveyors re preparation of the Farm Business Tenancy £144.00

 Closing balance of Charity account after the above donations will be £6,513.42

Date of Next Meeting:

To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 6 December 2018 at 7.30pm

Signed ; Ruth Swales, Clerk to the Council,