Response to SDC’s 2nd consultation on their local Plan
North Yorkshire Council has issued the following press release which indicates that the removal of the "Heronby" option from the conclusion of the Selby Local Plan will go to the full council on 21st Feb where it is expected to pass. That means that Heronby will be removed from the Selby Local Plan but it [...]
Letter from the Chairs of Stillingfleet, Escrick & Cawood PCs to Nigel Adams, MP - 21 September 2022 Response from Nigel Adams, MP - 4 October 2022 Follow up letter to Nigel Adams from the Joint Chairs - 10 October 2022
As has been publicised Selby District Council are consulting on the preferred options under their new Local Plan. That consultation period ends on 12 March 2021 so please do take the time to read those proposals and submit your comment back to the District Council. The new Local Plan sets-out (amongst other things) where development [...]
Selby District Council is asking people to get involved in ambitious long-term plans about new homes, business growth and local services such as schools. It’s part of the development of a new Local Plan. This will set a framework for future development in the district up to 2040. It’ll be used by the Council to guide [...]