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Click to access Stillingfleet-Accessibility-Statement.pdf
Council Policies
Stillingfleet Parish is governed by and affected by numerous policies, some which are a statutory requirement, some which are national, some local (North Yorkshire Council) and some which have been set up by the Parish Council to govern its conduct and deal with parish issues in a fair and consistent way.
For example:
- Council policies required by law – e.g. Council’s Standing Orders, Council’s Financial Regulations and Council’s Code of Conduct.
- National. The Countryside Code is a national policy providing guidance for farmers and members of the public to foster a common interest in caring for the countryside. There are hundreds of other government policies which may also affect activities in Stillingfleet.
- Selby District Council. Planning legislation contains national policies, but it also provides a platform for local conservation policy and Selby’s District Plan which contains numerous items of policy with direct application to development in Stillingfleet, such as development in the Conservation Area or development in secondary villages within Selby District (of which we are one).
- Policies covering Parish Council issues. Stillingfleet Parish Council has produced a Drains and Access Policy to deal with drains and drives crossing the green and its verges (which belong to the Parish Council) in a way that is consistent and fair to all residents. The Parish Council has also adopted a complaints policy to deal with complaints in a fair and consistent manner and a policy to deal with the assessment of risk for those items for which the Parish Council is responsible. Our Flood Policy hopes to give people clear guidance of what to do in an emergency if the village were to be inundated by flooding and our Biodiversity Policy outlines how the Council will fulfil its biodiversity duty.
You can read our policies by clicking on the links below:
Stillingfleet PC Code of Conduct
Stillingfleet PC Civility & Respect Pledge
Stillingfleet PC Complaints Procedure
Stillingfleet PC Disciplinary Policy
Stillingfleet PC Freedom of Information Policy
Stillingfleet PC Grievance Policy
Stillingfleet PC Equal Opportunities Policy
Stillingfleet PC Model Publication Scheme
Click to access General-Privacy-Notice.pdf
Stillingfleet PC Security Response Policy
Stillingfleet PC Subject Access request procedure
Stillingfleet PC Records Management Policy
Stillingfleet PC Co-option Procedure
Stillingfleet PC Biodiversity Policy
Stillingfleet PC Risk Assessment & Management
Click to access Stillingfleet-PC-Complaints-Procedure-May-2023.pdf
Countryside Code (for maps please see The Green)