Planning Policy for Small Villages
Selby District Core Strategy – October 2013 states that:-
“Other villages, which are referred to as ‘Secondary Villages’ are generally much smaller and less sustainable or else have no opportunities for continued growth owing to a combination of flood risk and environmental constraints.
Consequently further planned growth would not be appropriate in these settlements, although some housing development inside Development Limits such as conversions, replacement dwellings, and redevelopment of previously developed land, may take place where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Other than filling small gaps in built up frontages and the conversion/redevelopment of farmsteads (which are currently classed as greenfield), development on greenfield land will not be acceptable (see Policy SP4).
Development aimed at meeting a specific local need, such as 100% affordable housing will be considered favourably, consistent with other planning considerations, including affordable housing schemes adjoining village development limits as an exception to normal policy.”
Read more of the Planning Policy