Chairman: Cllr Paul Elmhirst
Clerk/RFO: Ruth Swales, Brookfield, The Green Stillingfleet YO19 6SG
Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1
Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business nor when councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting. Any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this public participation will be limited to 15 minutes.
- Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
- Councillors, Clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book
Councillors are summoned to attend this Meeting of the Parish Council (detailed above) and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.
- Welcome: Chair to welcome Councillors, Clerk and any visitors to the meeting – John Cattanach and Ben Maxfield, the General Manager of Arriva Buses have indicated their intention to attend.
18060 Public Participation session: Bus Service update
Chair to open the public participation session and invite John Cattanach to present an update regarding the 42 and 42S bus service (please see report dated 29 January 2019 attached as appendix 1).
18061 Apologies / Attendance
- a) Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from Councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
- b) All present are requested to sign the Attendance sheet.
18062 Declarations of Interests:
Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
18063 Minutes:
a). Council to resolve whether to accept Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 December 2018.
b). If approved, Chairman to initial and sign minutes as a true record.
18064 Matters Arising from the last meeting:
To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:
18064.1 Playground update:
– To receive an update from Cllr Elmhirst re recent correspondence with the owner of the land directly behind the Village Institute which had been identified as a potential site for a children’s playground.
18064.2 Village Green updates:
– To consider any quotations which have been received to undertake the re-grading of the grips and ditches to aid drainage of the Green.
– To ascertain whether the fallen willow tree has been removed which was identified for attention through the Risk Assessment.
– To ascertain progress in the laying of paving slabs ahead of the proposed re-site of the waste bin from the church lych gate.
– To note the installation of the dog waste bins and that the application for the final 50% of the S106 funding of £264.38 has been submitted.
- GDPR / Policy Review Update :
In accordance with the Council’s GDPR Action Plan, to consider and review the final drafts of the following documents which the Policy Review Committee recommend for adoption by the Council and:
– RESOLVE to adopt the proposed Data Protection Policy (appendix 2)
– RESOLVE to adopt the proposed Security Incident Response policy (appendix 3)
– RESOLVE to adopt the proposed Subject Access Request procedure (appendix 4)
noting that by adopting these policies the Council will have completed its GDPR Action Plan and should therefore have appropriate policies and procedures in place as required by GDPR legislation. Adopted policies and procedures will be posted onto the Council Website for future reference in accordance with the Publication Scheme.
- 18066. Police Matters: To receive information and consider any police matters raised by Councillor Harrison.
- Planning Matters: To receive information and updates on the following:
18067.1 Stillingfleet Mine Site
- Update re the further postponement of the planning hearing (which had been scheduled for 22 January 2018) in relation to the application for change of use of part of the former coal mine site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet. – ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL.
- Update re any response from David Hardy (the Planning Lawyer) re the drafting of a letter to Selby Planning
- Update re whether neighbouring Councils are prepared to share the costs of appointing the Planning Lawyer.
18067.2 Update re brokering a meeting between Plasmor and Sustrans to discuss alternatives to lorries from the proposed Clay Pit site using Escrick Road.
18067.3 To receive the following planning decision:
The proposed felling of 1 Sycamore, 2 Yew trees removed to ground, crown lift by 0.5 metres to 3 Yew trees, 1 conifer removed to ground, felling of 2 Sycamores and felling 1 Yew tree in the conservation area which is St Helen’s churchyard Stillingfleet – ref: 2018/1289/TCA
- Matters raised by Councillors
To consider the following issues tabled by Councillors and discuss and decide upon any further action where necessary:
18068.1 – Update re permission requested and proposed easement relating to water supply pipes and meter for the new property (Cherry Tree House) being built behind the Manor on the Green at YO19 6SG (tabled by Cllr Elmhirst).
- Update re Wayleave agreement entered into with Northern Power grid re power cable laid in the Council owned verge of the Green for Cherry Tree House.
18068.2 Update by Cllr Cook following attendance at the CEF partnership board at which the proposed Community Development Plan (CDP) was debated.
18068.3 To note that Sharon Fox of NYCC Selby Highways Area Office is to attend and speak at the Selby branch meeting of the YLCA on 13 February to discuss local highway issues and to decide whether our Council will be represented.
18068.3 To resolve to undertake the annual risk assessment for 2019 (tabled by Cllr Elmhirst).
18069 Financial Matters
18069.1 Insurance cover update:
To consider the quotation received for increasing the Council’s insurance cover in line with the replacement value of the Council’s assets ( as defined in the asset register signed off at the last Council meeting) – .Zurich Insurance have quoted an increase in the annual premium by £28.58 + VAT effective from the next renewal date.
18069.2 Challenge re Electricity costs:
To seek clarification from the Council re what it wishes to be cited in its challenge to NYCC re the Council’s street lighting plans and resultant electricity costs.
18069.3 To receive a report from the Clerk/RFO on recent receipts, closing balances and resolve to make any payments due:
Recent receipts:
Yorkshire Water re water meter installation @ Cherry Tree House | £75.00 |
Interest capitalisation on the Council’s NS& I investment a/c | £15.03 |
Closing balances as at 31 January 2019 :
Parish Council current account £6,736.47
Parish Council NS& I account £2,087.08
To resolve to make the following payments:
Ruth Swales –reimbursement re YLCA Planning training | £86.25 |
Stillingfleet VI – re hall bookings | £120.00 |
Ruth Swales – reimbursement of expenses | £28.02 |
HMRC re Clerk’s salary (Nov/Dec) | £34.20 |
Solutions for payroll re Clerk’s salary admin | £12.05 |
Acorn Lighting Services – defect remedy | £30.00 |
Selby DC – Supply & fit of 4 dog waste bins Net cost to Council after receipt of S106 funding of £528.75 & recovery of VAT of £142.65 will be £184.49 |
£855.89 |
RBL Poppy appeal re wreath donation (S137 payment) | £20.00 |
To note payment of Clerk’s salary for November & December |
18069.4 Salary Review
Having adopted the NALC model contract of employment for the Clerk and setting her pay band at LC1 – scale point 18, Council needs to review the Clerk’s salary in line with the 2018-19 National scale which is to take effect from 1 April 2019 – (see appendix 5 2019-20 National Salary Award). To RESOLVE to pay the Clerk £10.16 per hour (3.5% increase) with effect from 1 April 2019 in line with the National Agreement.
- Dates of future Meetings:
18070.1 To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 4 April 2019 at 7.30pm and note that this meeting will be preceded by the annual meeting of the Parish commencing at 7pm.
18070.2 To note that the Chair and the Clerk will be attending a meeting at Selby DC on 18 February to understand roles and responsibilities re the forthcoming Parish elections due to be held on 2 May 2019.
Signed ; Ruth Swales, Clerk to the Council,