Chairman: Cllr P Elmhirst

Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Breheney, 14 Barlby Crescent, Selby, YO8 5BB

Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.


1. Public Participation

Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 15 minutes.

2. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence.

3. Declarations of Interest

Councillors are to make any declarations of interest on any agenda items.

4. Minutes

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 25 May 2017.

5. Matters Arising

Defibrillator – Clerk to report on the progress on obtaining funding through the Village Hall Committee.

Green/Stewart Lane Junction – Councillor Elmhirst to report on this matter.

Co-option of a New Councillor – The Council is now able to co-opt a new member.

Selby Area Committee – Election to Fill Vacancies for Co-opted Member

Stillingfleet Parish Council is invited to vote for the appointment to represent Parish/Town Councils in the Selby District area on the Selby Area Committee.

6. Play Area

Councillor Elmhirst to provide an update from the Sub-Committee.

To discuss the play area consultation event on 20 September 2017.

7. Police Matters

Councillor Harrison to report on any police matters.

8. Planning Matters

To receive updates on any existing planning application/information.

  • Ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL -Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the change of use of part of the former coal mine site to create a waste transfer for construction and demolition wastes, installation of a weighbridge, a skip storage area, portable amenity cabin and the provision of car parking on land at Former Stillingfleet Mine Site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet.

  • Ref: PL/ES/ABW/1683/01/SR – Clay Pit, Escrick

  • Ref: 2017/0246/FUL – Erection of a roundhouse agricultural livestock building, Stillingfleet House, Stewart Lane, Stillingfleet.

  • Woodlands Farm Barns, Moreby, Stillingfleet – Conversion of existing barns into three dwelling houses to include demolitions, conversion, re-construction, garaging, access, parking and gardens.

9. Transparency Fund and Website

Councillor Cook to report on the a further application to the transparency fund for the a maintenance contract and the Clerks time for updating the website.

10. Village Green

Councillor Elmhirst to provide an update on the progress of the cutting and baling of hay or disposal of bales on the Village Green.

11. Financial Matters

To approve the payments to be made;

1. H Breheney (clerk salary April and May) – £132.71

2. HMRC – £16.80 (Refund to the Clerk as had to be paid by 22 July 2017).

3. Purely Payroll – £12.05

4. Acorn Lighting – Invoice 8561 – £72.72

12. Charity Matters

Councillor Elmhirst to report on the progress of the Transfer of Entitlements.

13. Correspondence

Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – To be Circulated August 2017

Yorkshire Local Council Association (YLCA) Annual Review – To be Circulated – August 2017

14. Any Other Business

Tyres dumped at the side of Stillingfleet Kelfield Road.

Register of Interest Forms – Councillor Elmhirst to report on the Standards training from Selby District Council.

15. Date of Next Meetings

To agree the date of the next meeting on Thursday 5 October 2017 at 7.30pm