Notice of Parishes Elections – May 2019
Agenda 4 April 2019
MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 2 AUGUST 2018 18017. Welcome & Attendance: The Chair welcomed those councillors and clerk in attendance as follows: Councillors :James Atkinson (JA), Lesley Collingridge (LC), John Cook (JC), Sally Lewis (SL), David Swinglehurst (DS), Richard Musgrave (RM) – Selby District Councillor. Clerk to the Council: Ruth Swales [...]
TERMS OF REFERENCE (ToR) STILLINGFLEET PARISH COUNCIL – POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE Purpose The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018. As a result all Parish Councils need to demonstrate and evidence that they are making progress towards achieving compliance. In order to comply and protect the personal data the [...]
In Attendance: Paul Elmhirst – Chair of Stillingfleet Parish Council Coucillor John Cook Councillor James Atkinson Councillor Lesley Collingridge Councillor Michelle Dixon Councillor Richard Daniel Councillor Terry Harrison Councillor Sally Lewis Councillor David Swinglehurst Ruth Swales, Clerk to the Council No other electors of the Parish were present Meeting commenced at 7pm with Cllr Elmhirst [...]
Statutory Annual Meeting business 18001 Election of Chairman of the Parish Council Cllr Elmhirst was elected as chairman for the year. Chairman signed the acceptance of office. Clerk countersigned Chairman’s acceptance of office. Election of vice-chairman of the Parish Council Cllr Cook was elected as vice-chairman for the year. Vice-Chairman signed the acceptance of office. Clerk countersigned Vice-Chairman’s [...]
On the 25th May 2017, Paul Elmhirst was appointed chairman, John Cook vice-chairman and David Swinglehurst Village Hall Committee representative. The other councillors were James Atkinson, Lesley Collingridge, Richard Daniel, Sally Lewis and Terry Harrison. Michelle Dixon was co-opted on the 5th October to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Alison Spaven. What the [...]
OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STILLINGFLEET PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7.30pm IN STILLINGFLEET VILLAGE INSTITUTE ON THURSDAY 31st MAY 2018 Chairman: Cllr Paul Elmhirst Clerk/RFO: Ruth Swales, Brookfield, The Green Stillingfleet YO19 6SG, Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the [...]
Inspection made on the 20 March 2018 by Paul Elmhirst and Richard Daniel Presented to Stillingfleet Parish Council Meeting on the 12th April 2018. THE GREEN Problem Recommended Action Trees Fallen willow tree on South East sector Leaning willows in South West sector John Bowness to remove and dispose of fallen tree [...]
Venue: Stillingfleet Village Hall Date: 12 April 2018 Commencing: 7.30pm Present: Councillor Paul Elmhirst in the Chair (PE) Councillors : Lesley Collingridge (LC), John Cook (JC), Richard Daniel (RD), Michelle Dixon (MD), Terry Harrison (TH), Sally [...]