Chairman: Cllr Paul Elmhirst

Clerk/RFO: Ruth Swales, Brookfield, The Green Stillingfleet YO19 6SG,

Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1

Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business nor when councillors are in the process of decision making.

  • Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting but as there will have been the opportunity for any member of the public to raise any concerns, questions or suggestions at the preceding Annual Meeting of the Parish, there will not be any further public participation in this particular meeting.
  • Listeners may however speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).
  • Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
  • Councillors, Clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book


Statutory Annual Meeting business

18001     Election of Chairman of the Parish Council

a) Councillors to elect a chairman for the year.

b) Chairman to sign acceptance of office; clerk to countersign Chairman’s acceptance of office.

               Election of vice-chairman of the Parish Council

a) Councillors to elect a vice-chairman for the year.

b) Vice-chairman to sign acceptance of office; clerk to countersign vice-chairman’s acceptance of office.

18002     Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and any visitors to the meeting.

18003      Apologies / Attendance

a) Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.

b) All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.

  1.       Declarations of Interests:

Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.

18005     Minutes:

a). To resolve whether to accept Minutes of last ordinary meeting held on 12th April 2018.

b). If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.

18006.1   Election of other offices of the Parish Council

a) Council’s Internal Controllers (2 Councillors)

b) Village Institute Committee Representative

c) YLCA Representatives (2 Councillors)

d) Bank Account Signatories (3 Councillors)

18006.2  Confirmation of Lead Councillors for:

Parish Field (2 Councillors); Conservation; Police Matters; Lighting; Defibrillator maintenance

18006.3  Confirmation of Committee members for:

Play Area Committee; Village Green Committee; Employment Committee

18007.    Policies: the annual statutory requirement to consider the adequacy of the Council’s policies will be addressed under the agenda item of Accountability and Governance below

18008.  Matters Arising from the last ordinary meeting:

To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

18008.1  Defibrillator update re:

  1.       the Village Institute’s acceptance of proposed responsibilities
  2.       the installation of the equipment
  3.       confirmation that the Council’s existing Zurich Municipal insurance policy will cover the proposed defibrillator against theft and damage

18008.2  Playground and Play area updates re:

–  any response from landowner re the availability of the land directly behind the Village Institute as a possible site for a playground

– the submission of the RLE1 to Natural England to ask for the exclusion of part of the Green from the Stewardship Scheme to allow the grass to be kept short to encourage children’s                      play

– the purchase and installation of a picnic table alongside the southern edge of the Green

– the availability of S106 funding to cover the cost of the bench.

18008.3  Village Green updates re:

–  Selby DC’s response to progress the Public Spaces Protection Order

–  consider appetite for resolving to purchase a number of dog waste bins

– consider whether to recommend joining the Green Dog Walker Scheme

–  a derogation from Natural England re the re-grading of the grips and ditches and any available grants to enable this drainage improvement work

–  response from NYCC re the eradication of drain

–  the granting of a derogation by Natural England to allow early cutting of the Green

– any response from Natural England re alternatives to baling and any available funding to avoid damage from heavy machinery

– any tenders received for the cutting, baling and bale removal from the Green

18009.   Police Matters

To receive information and consider any police matters raised by    Councillor Harrison.

  1.     Planning Matters

To receive information and updates on the following planning applications:

– the visit with Plasmor and their proposals to develop the Clay Pit at Escrick – ref: PL/ES/ABW/1683/01/SR

– the postponement of the planning hearing (which had been scheduled for 15 May 2018) until 17 July 2018 in relation to the application for change of use of part of the former coal mine          site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet. – ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL.

– the Council’s submitted observations to the proposed demolition of existing garage and erection of 2 dwellings at Stillingfleet Service Station York Road Stillingfleet York YO19 6SJ – ref:                2018/0152/FUL

–  the Council’s submitted observations to the proposed single storey side / rear extensions, alterations to existing house and demolition of existing utility room, avery and garage at                      Woodford, York Road, Stillingfleet, YO19 6HW – ref: 2018/0480/HPA

–  the papers being circulated regarding the proposed demolition of the existing rear lean to; replace with single storey rear extension, including the erection of a single storey side                            extension to the gable end at Moreby Grange, Stillingfleet, YO19 6HN – ref: 2018/0538/HPA

To receive the following planning decision:

–  the refusal to allow the proposed demolition of existing conservatory and rear lean to and erection of single storey extensions to both gable ends and rear of The Bungalow at Moreby               Grange, Stillingfleet YO19 6HN – Ref: 2018/0202/HPA

 – the granting of planning permission re the demolition of existing single storey agricultural building and proposed construction of a single bungalow dwelling at Ashfield Farm York                         Road, Stillingfleet York YO19 6HW – Ref: 2018/0107/FUL

180011. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

18011.1  As the new GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018 it is the responsibility of each Parish Council to demonstrate and evidence that it is making progress in moving towards compliance.     This responsibility for compliance (and liability for non-compliance) rests with the Data Controller (i.e the Council and not the Clerk). As first steps YLCA have recommended that the                         Council should:

a).  Data Audit: resolve to complete a full data audit of the personal data the Council holds and processes

b).  Policy Review: resolve to review existing policies and adopt new policies required to satisfy GDPR compliance. (It is proposed that this resolution comes within the scope of the                                 Policy Review referenced under agenda item 18011.3 below).

c). Systems and operating practices review: resolve to review all the Council’s systems and operating practices to make sure they are compliant with GDPR requirements.

18011.2    Appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO):

YLCA have advised that an amendment to the original GDPR has been accepted by the House of Commons which exempts all parish and town councils from the requirement to appoint a DPO.  Council are advised however, this does not mean that the exemption is final as the House of Lords still has to consider the amendment.  It is not expected that this amendment will be reversed.  However if for any reason the exemption is not accepted Council should consider resolving to appoint YLCA as the Council’s DPO (provided their scale of fees (when published) for the provision of this service is considered reasonable).

  1. Financial Matters

               Annual Governance and Accountability

18012.1  To consider and note the findings from the Internal Control review undertaken by Councillor Daniel and Councillor Dixon reflecting the Council’s effectiveness of internal control

18012.2  To receive, consider and note the annual internal audit report dated 3 May 2018 prepared by Helen Guest

18012.3  To address audit recommendations:

a).  consider and approve the creation of a Policy Review Committee (to work towards the Council having all the up to date policies that are required to satisfy statutory and audit                               requirements and evidence GDPR compliance); appoint 3 Councillors to this Committee and approve the  terms of reference

b).  resolve to form a working group to complete an audit of the Council’s assets

c).  review and approve the Council’s insurance for the forthcoming year to be effective from 1 June 2018

d).  resolve to consider and complete a financial risk assessment

18012.4  To consider, approve and note the signing of the Annual Governance Statement for 2017/18

18012.5  To receive, consider, approve and note the Accounting Statements and explanation of variances for 2017/18 as fairly representing the financial position of the Council and its income and  expenditure

18012.6  To resolve to publish the notice of the commencement of the period for the exercise of public rights to run from 4 June 2018 to 13 July 2018.

18012.7  To receive a report from the Clerk/RFO on recent receipts, closing balances and budget variances and resolve to make any payments due:

Recent receipts:

1st installment of Precept 2018/19 £2,220.07
50% S106 claim re bench £109.98


Closing balances as at 17 May 2015:

Parish Council current account                                         £7,186.06

Parish Council NS& I account                                          £2,072.05

ByeLaw Field Charity (NS&I) account                               £8,073.42


Payments due:

Ruth Swales – reimbursement for YLCA GDPR training £45.00
Zurich Municipal – insurance £257.60
Helen Guest – internal audit £119.70
Ruth Swales – reimbursement of expenses £34.89
HMRC re tax due on Clerk’s salary for March & April £48.60
Solutions for Payroll re March & April processing £12.05
CPRE re annual subscription £36.00
To note payment of Clerk’s salary for March & April


18012.8  To consider the comparison to budget and note any significant adverse predicted outturn

18012.9  To resolve to sign the revised letter of engagement for Solutions for Payroll necessitated by the new GDPR requirements.

18012.10 S106 Balance: After claiming the 2nd half of the S106 funding for the picnic bench there will be a credit balance of £454.76 due to Stillingfleet PC which should be claimed as soon as       possible.  Council to consider submitting an application for qualifying costs.

18012.11 CIL balance: Statement received dated 31 March 2018 showing previous receipts of £112.50. Council to report by 31 December 2018 how these funds have been applied.

18013. Charity Matters

18013.1   To sign all the necessary forms required to close the NS&I Charity fund account and open the new Yorkshire Bank current account.

18013.2  To resolve to make a donation to St Helen’s PCC regarding the cutting of the cemetery and churchyard

  1. Correspondence

To consider Correspondence received since last ordinary meeting and decide on any action where necessary

Closure of Part 1 of the Meeting

  1. Confidential Matters

          To resolve to exclude any members of the public under the Part 2 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act 1960 due to the nature of the following business to be transacted.

18016.Date of Next Meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 2 August 2018 at 7.30pm and re-affirm dates for the remaining ordinary meetings in 2018/19 as 4 October 2018, 6 December 2018                   and 7 February 2019 at 7.30pm.

Signed : Ruth Swales, Clerk / RFO, Stillingfleet Parish Council,