Compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

As a Parish Council with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 Stillingfleet Parish Council is required to publish the following information.  The table below includes appropriate links to where this information can be found on the Council’s website.


All items of expenditure above £100


End of year accounts in the Annual Return form


Accounting Statements 2021-22


Bank Reconciliation for the relevant financial year


Bank reconciliation 31.3.2022
An explanation of any significant variances in the statement of accounts for the relevant year and previous year


Explanation of variances 2021-22
An explanation of any differences between ‘balances carried forward’ and ‘total cash and short term investments’, if applicable.


Not applicable
Annual governance statement


Annual Governance Statement 2021-22
An explanation of any negative responses to governance statements, including how any weaknesses will be addressed.


Not applicable
Internal audit report according to the format included in the Annual Return form.


Annual Internal Audit 2021-22 - AGAR page 4
An explanation of any negative response to the internal controls objectives, including how any weaknesses will be addressed.


  1. The auditor felt that the Council had only partly published all the information required by the relevant transparency code.  The Council has resolved to ensure it publishes all the required information on its website in order to fully comply with the code requirements.
  2. The auditor felt that the Council had not met its responsibilities as the sole trustee of the ByeLaw Field Charity as it had not held separate meetings to consider Charity business.  The Council has resolved to create and define a Charity Committee to consider and carry out all the Charity responsibilities.  This Committee will meet twice a year independently of the Parish Council.
List of councillor names and responsibilities in terms of committee membership and any representation on external local public bodies


Location of public land and building


Fixed Assets Register.


Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings