Parish Council Minutes
Venue: Stillingfleet Village Hall
Date: 25 May 2017
Time: 7.30pm
Present: Councillor Paul Elmhirst in the Chairman
Councillor J Atkinson, J Cook, R Daniel, T Harrison, S
Lewis and D Swinglehurst.
Officers Present: Hannah Breheney, Clerk to the Council.
Press: 0
Public: 4 – Vanessa Cook, Ross Powell, Michael ONeil and Alison Rothwell.
Councillor Elmhirst was elected as Chairman for the year – May 2017 to May 2018. Councillor Elmhirst signed the acceptance of office, Hannah Breheney, Clerk and Councillor Cook witnessed the signature and countersigned the Chairman’s acceptance of office.
Mowing of Verges
A member of the public raised concerns over the mowing of the verges.
The Green Committee to send out reminders regarding the mowing of verges.
It was agreed by the meeting to bring forward Item 10 – Play Area to Item 7.
The Proposed Play Area
Councillor Lewis proposed an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to discuss the proposed area fully. This was not agreed upon.
Play Stillingfleet raised concerns over the lack of communication from the Parish Council.
The Play Group Sub-Committee had come up with the suggestion of sending a questionnaire to the every household in the village to try and gauge everyone opinions. However, it was questioned what this would achieve especially if there was only a small percentage for or against. Councillor Elmhirst stressed that what the Parish Council were trying to achieve is a consensus from the whole village on the play area.
An apology for absence was received from Councillor Lesley Collingridge.
Councillor Paul Elmhirst, read out a letter of resignation from Councillor Alison Spaven.
To accept Councillor Spaven’s resignation.
For Councillor Elmhirst to thank Councillor Spaven for her work on the Parish Council.
For the Clerk to notify Selby District Council and to advertise the vacancy on the Parish Council.
Councillor Swinglehurst declared an interest in the parish field.
The Councillors, detailed below, were elected to be Stillingfleet’s Parish Council representatives on the following bodies:-
Vice Chairman of the Council – Councillor J Cook.
Council Member Internal Auditors – Councillor R Daniel.
Internal Auditor – Fred Jackson.
Village Hall Committee – Councillor D Swinglehurst.
Parish Field Trustees – Councillor R Daniel and Councillor D Atkinson.
Conservation Lead Interest – Councillor P Elmhirst
Bank Account Signatories – Councillor P Elmhirst, Councillor D Swinglehurst and Councillor S Lewis.
Yorkshire Local Council Association (YLCA) Councillor J Cook and Councillor P Elmhirst.
The Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 6 April 2017.
To approved the minutes of the council meeting held on the 6 April 2017 for signing by the Chairman.
The Play Group Sub-Committee had circulated a report to all Councillors. Councillor Elmhirst stressed that the Parish Council had to represent all of the community and that the recommendation of the sub committee to send out a questionnaire to all of the village should be done before the Parish Council makes a decision.
Councillor Cook suggested that there should be a consultation event for the village with all the information provided on the proposed play area and advertised in the parish magazine. Councillor Lewis supported this idea. The questionnaire could then be sent out after the event.
The Play Group Sub-Committee and Play Stillingfleet to organise a consultation event for the village with all the information provided about the proposed play area, including financial details and maintenance costs.
Councillor Cook and Councillor Lewis to join the Play Group Sub-Committee.
To get Groundwork to be involved in the open day.
Weed Wiping – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that this has now been done.
Missing Posts and Way Markers – Councillor Lewis had only been aware of one marker that was missing.
No further action was required on this matter.
Defibrillator – No response had yet been received from the Village Hall Committee. It was reiterated that if half the funding could be raised via the Village Hall Committee and the Community Engagement Forum then the Parish Council would contribute the other half.
Green Lane/Stewart Lane Junction – Highways proposed a “Slow” sign but it was agreed that this would not help. It was suggested that the width of the hedge belonging to the property at this junction be reduced to help visibility.
Councillor Elmhirst to speak with the owners of the property at the junction to ask them if it would be possible to reduce the width of their hedge.
Councillor Harrison reported that there had been a few farm burglaries in North Duffield, otherwise there were no other police matters to report.
It was proposed to form a planning sub-committee to deal with applications that required a quick response due to deadlines and did not allow time for the information to be circulated to all Councillors. It was agreed that if time-scales allowed the normal procedures would be followed.
To form a planning sub-committee of Councillors Atkinson, Cook and Elmhirst. The Committee will get the planning papers first, put down the key issues and then circulate the information if there is time.
It was raised that although the Parish Council had written a letter of objection to the change of use for the former Stillingfleet Mine Site, North Yorkshire County Council website showed that the Parish Council had no objections.
If no decision had been made on the application, that the Parish Council should write to North Yorkshire County Council pointing out that the Parish Council had submitted a letter of objection.
The Parish Council had no objections to the erection of a roundhouse agricultural livestock building.
Discussions were held on the proposed Clay Pit, Escrick, it is only in the consultation stage at present. It was pointed out that this is a long term project, with clay not being extract for six years but then it would be extracted for the next twenty-five years. The campaign to Protect Rural England had already sent a response.
The Planning Sub-Committee to look into this proposal further.
Councillor Cook confirmed that a Parish computer and printer have been purchased and supplied to the Clerk.
Councillor Cook informed the meeting that Redkite, the company who set up the website, had offered a maintenance contract.
Councillor Cook to look into the matter, to see if or what contract the Parish Council required.
At the recent Eastern Community Engagement Fourm (CEF) that Councillor Cook had attended it was suggested that Parish Councils add a link on their website to the Community Engagement Forum website.
Councillor Cook to liaise with the Clerk regarding adding this link on the Stillingfleet website.
The advert for the cutting and baling of hay or disposal of bales from the village green had been advertised twice in the Parish Magazine and displayed on the village noticeboard. The Parish Council had now received one quote. It was discussed and it was noted that any contract of over £1000 had to be advertised on the noticeboard for three weeks before going ahead.
Councillor Elmhirst to speak with Dave Atkinson, who had submitted the quote, to confirm that the cutting and baling of the hay on the Green could not commence before the 15 July 2017 and to accept the quote if this was acceptable.
To give authority to the Village Green Committee to deal with this matter if there is a problem.
The Clerk presented the annual accounts for 2016/17, ready for audit.
To approve the Annual Return for financial year 2016 – 17, Financial 1, as at 31 March 2017.
To approve the Annual Return for financial year 2016 – 17, Financial 2, as at 31 March 2017.
Invoice received from North Yorkshire County Council for Street Lighting Energy Costs 2016/17.
To pay the North Yorkshire County Council invoice for £1314.95.
The Clerk submitted her wage slip for payment.
To pay Mrs H Breheney, Clerk to the Council, for February and March 2017 – £111.56.
Invoice received from HMRC for the Clerk’s tax, paid by the Clerk as had to be received by HMRC before the 22 May and therefore before the Parish Meeting.
To refund the Clerk for the HMRC payment of £27.80.
Invoice received from Purely Payroll for administering the Council’s payroll.
To pay the Purely Payroll invoice for £12.05.
Invoice received from Zurich Insurance for the renewal of Parish Council’s Insurance policy.
To pay the Zurich Insurance invoice for £257.60.
An outstanding invoice was received from the Yorkshire Local Councils Associations for a Planning seminar that Councillor Cook had attended and it was agreed the Parish council would pay.
To pay the Yorkshire Local Council Association invoice of £115.00 for Councillor Cook’s Planning Seminar.
Invoices outstanding from the previous meeting for Acorn Lighting Service for £42.72 for work carried out on light 2, outside the Cottage and £72.72 for work on light 3, Cawood Road and work on Laburnum Grove.
To pay the Acorn Lighting Service invoice for £42.72.
The Council were not happy to pay the £72.72 until confirmation that work had been completed on light 3, Cawood Road and work on Laburnum Grove.
Councillor Cook asked if a budget could be set for the proposed play area consultation event.
The Parish Council approved a budget of up to £200.00 for the open day.
Councillor Swinglehurst confirmed that the Transfer of Entitlements had been done. Councillor Swinglehurst raised a matter concerning the Transfer of Entitlements.
Councillor Elmhirst to speak with Cundall Solicitors to clarify the situation.
Countryside Voice, Spring 2017 – Circulated April 2017 to all Councillors.
Street Lighting
Councillor Harrison reported that he was having problems with Acorn Lighting Service. on this matter. The light on York Road required the electricity board to be present. Councillor Elmhirst reported that he had contacted the electricity board regarding this matter.
Councillors Cook and Lewis reported that they had attended a meeting with the contractors on the Cawood Bridge repairs. Work was due to start on the week commencing 22 May 2017 and there would be traffic lights from the 30 May 2017 up to the 24 July 2017. Then for the next 6 weeks the bridge would be closed for vehicle access. The bus companies had been informed. There would be live streaming to Cawood Post Office of what is happening on the bridge.
Thursday 3 August at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.35pm