Parish Council Minutes
Venue: Stillingfleet Village Hall
Date: 7 December 2017
Time: 7.30pm
Present: Councillor Paul Elmhirst in the Chair
Councillors J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, M Dixon T Harrison and D Swinglehurst.
Officers Present: Hannah Breheney, Clerk to the Council.
Press: 0
Public: 3 – Paul Holt, Mike O’Neil and Ross Powell.
A member of the public raised the issue of dog fouling on the Green as they had witnessed someone not picking up after their dog. Councillor Elmhirst explained that a Dog Control Order needed to be in place on the Green in order to make it an offence not to pick up after a dog and the by laws for the Green do not include this.
Councillor Elmhirst to look into a Dog Control Order for the Green.
Defibrillator – A member of Play Stillingfleet confirmed that they are looking into getting the extra funding that is required for the defibrillator.
Councillor Elmhirst raised the issue on how to use a defibrillator and it was agreed that the village would need training on how to use it once one was purchased and installed.
The location of the defibrillator was also discussed and it was agreed that the village hall would need to be asked if it was acceptable to put a defibrillator on the outside wall of the hall.
To write to the Village Hall about siting the defibrillator once all the funding was in place.
Play Area – It was asked if the results of the questionnaire could be published on the village noticeboard and website.
To publish the outcomes of the play area questionnaire on the village noticeboard and website.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lewis.
Councillor Swinglehurst declared an interest in the parish field.
The Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 5 October 2017.
To approve the minutes of the council meeting held on the 5 October 2017 for signing by the Chairman.
Bus Service – Councillor Elmhirst said that he had received an update from Councillor Musgrave, North Yorkshire County Councillor, which confirmed that the bus service had now been successfully tendered and the service is now being run by Transdev, a commercial operator. He did stress that it is important that the usage remains high in order for the service to be sustainable in the long run.
It is also hoped that a late night Saturday bus service will be provided and further discussion are being held on a late night Sunday service.
Defibrillator – this was discussed in the public participation session above.
Emergency Flooding Plan – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that this had been updated by himself and Councillor Harrison and it is inline with the National Flood Forum. The emergency flood plan can be viewed on the website. Councillor Elmhirst encouraged people to register for flood alerts with the Environment Agency on 0345 9881188.
Councillor Elmhirst read out the outcomes of the play area questionnaire which had been sent out to all households in the village.
24% (127 individuals) of households responded.
Question 3: Do you feel that a playground in Stillingfleet would be beneficial for the children?
50.4% were in favour of a playground in the village
39.4 were not in favour of a playground in the village
10.2% didn’t know.
Question 6: Do you feel this type of scheme (a playground on the green) should be developed in Stillingfleet?
39.4% were in favour of the proposed scheme(a playground on the green).
55.1% were not in favour of the proposed scheme(a playground on the green).
5.5% didn’t know.
Councillor Elmhirst explained that Councillors now had to decide if they supported the proposal for a play area on the green. A vote was taken.
Those for 1. Those against 7.
There should not be a play area constructed on the green.
The Council then had to decide if they supported, in principle, the proposal that there should be a play area in the village but not on the green.
Those for 7. Those against 2.
The Council supports, in principle, that there should be a play area in the village (but not on the green) if a suitable location can be found.
Play Stillingfleet will be notified of the Council’s decisions.
A suitable site now needs to be found for the play area. Discussions need to be had with Councillor Lewis on how to move this forward.
Councillor Harrison reported that recently there had been a lot of thefts of household fuel and diesel.
Councillors were also reminded to report anything suspicious to the police especially with the recent fly tipping of tyres.
Ref: NY/2016/0251/FUL- the land at the Former Stillingfleet Mine Site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet – Councillor Elmhirst provided an update from Councillor Musgrave, North Yorkshire County Councillor on the progress of this application. He confirmed that this application is being held at the request of the applicant, and will not be considered by the planning committee before February 2018.
Ref: PL/ES/ABW/1683/01/SR – Clay Pit, Escrick – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that he had been contacted by another Parish Councillor regarding the time scales for this application and about forming an action group. Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that he would keep Councillors informed on what was happening with this application.
Proposed Development by Sean Duggan – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that he had received a correspondence from Mr Duggan regarding his development. Councillor Elmhirst had written back confirming that the Parish Council would use Selby District Council’s Conservation Policy and Village Design Statement when considering any planning application. He also confirmed the cost of putting drains across the green.
As soon as a planning application is received Councillor Elmhirst will ensure this is circulated.
Councillor Collingridge confirmed that she had received a price from Redkite, for a maintenance package on the upkeep of the Parish website. Discussions were held on this package.
To pay £120 for a one year maintenance package on the website.
Councillors Elmhirst, Daniel and Atkinson had visited the green to have a look at the drains. They noted that some of the drains were not working as they should. Councillor Elmhirst suggested re-channelling to help the drainage, however, this would need the permission of Natural England. Discussions were held on the other possible solutions for the drains
The drainage sub group to look into this matter and obtain a quote for re-channelling on the green.
Ross Powell left the meeting at 8.25pm
Councillor Atkinson left the meeting at 8.30pm
Paul Holt and Mike O’Neil left the meeting at 8.31pm
The Chairman introduced the Draft Budget which had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. After the meeting had debated various aspects of the budget, Councillor Dixon proposed that the precept for 2018/19 should be increased by 3%. This was seconded by Councillor Collingridge and approved unanimously by all the Councillors present.
The Chairman asked Councillor Cook to amend the budget to comply with the comments of the meeting and to provide the Clerk with a revised copy for posting on the website.
To increase the precept for 2018/19 by three percent. To adopt the proposed budget and publish on the website.
The Clerk submitted her wage slip for payment.
To pay Mrs H Breheney, Clerk to the Council, for September and October 2017 – £165.37.
Invoice received from HMRC for the Clerk’s tax, paid by the Clerk as it had to be received by HMRC before the 22 November and therefore before the Parish Meeting.
To refund the Clerk for the HMRC payment of £17.00.
Invoice received from Purely Payroll for administering the Council’s payroll.
To pay the Purely Payroll invoice for £12.05.
Invoice received from S Atkinson for the cutting and baling of the village green.
To pay the S Atkinson and Son invoice for £2820.00.
Invoice received from Yorkshire Local Council Association for the advert for a clerk.
To pay the Yorkshire Local Council Association invoice for £15.00.
Although an invoice has not been received yet, a payment of £18 for the remembrance Sunday wreath was approved.
Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that the tenancy on the charity field would now be going out to tender, applicants would have until the end of April 2018 to submit a tender. The invitation to tender would be advertised on the Parish noticeboard and the website. The question was raised if the tenancy on the charity field could not just continue with the current tenant.
Councillor Elmhirst to contact Cundalls to discuss the terms and conditions of any future tenancy agreement.
Clerk and Councils Direct – Now being circulated to all Councillors.
Finding a Clerk – Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that there had been no interest in the advert for a new clerk.
The Clerk to speak with the Yorkshire Local Council Association to try and obtain a temporary clerk.
Councillor Dixon to speak with Kelfield Parish Council, who are also advertising for a new clerk, about the possibility of having one clerk for both parishes.
Thursday 1 February 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.10pm