Present:- Cllrs P Elmhirst, L Collingridge, R Daniel, J Pollock, A Spaven, D Swinglehurst.
In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council), Paul Holt.
Election of Chairman – Cllr Elmhirst, proposed by Cllr Daniel, seconded by Cllr Spaven, elected unanimously. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.
Public Participation:- None.
Apologies:- Cllr J Cook – accepted.
Declarations of Interest:- None.
Election of other officers:-
Vice-chairman – Cllr Spaven, proposed by Cllr Pollock, seconded by Cllr Elmhirst, elected unanimously.
Council Member Internal Auditors (2) – Cllrs Daniel and Swinglehurst, proposed by Cllr Spaven, seconded by Cllr Elmhirst, elected unanimously.
Internal Auditor – Fred Jackson, proposed by Cllr Elmhirst, seconded by Cllr Daniel, elected unanimously.
Village Hall Committee Representative – Cllr Swinglehurst, proposed by Cllr Elmhirst, seconded by Cllr Daniel, elected unanimously.
Parish Field Trustees (2) – Cllrs Daniel and Pollock, proposed by Cllr Elmhirst, seconded by Cllr Swinglehurst, elected unanimously.
Conservation Lead Interest – Cllr Elmhirst, proposed by Cllr Spaven, seconded by Cllr Collingridge, elected unanimously.
Bank Account Signatories (3) – Cllrs Elmhirst, Spaven and Swinglehurst, proposed by Cllr Daniel, seconded by Cllr Pollock, elected unanimously.
YLCA representatives (2) – Cllrs Elmhirst and Cook, proposed by Cllr Spaven, seconded by Cllr Daniel, elected unanimously.
Minutes of last meeting
After deleting three lines of agenda under Financial Matters that included the Audit Procedure, about which discussion re amendment did not take place and which was to be on the agenda of a future meeting, minutes of the meeting held on 7th April 2016 were confirmed as a correct record.
Matters arising from meeting 7th April 2016:-
Selby District Council’s entry in phone book; email sent 10/3/16 to SDC by Clerk; no reply – it was resolved no further action.
Noticeboard on the green – Cllr Daniel reported that he was waiting for an appropriate time.
Police matters:-
Email Ringmaster reports from Eggborough forwarded to Parish Councillors
Email NYP Community Messaging – Selby – Force Press Release forwarded to Parish Councillors
Email NYP Community Messaging – Selby – Force Press Release community messaging system forwarded to Parish Councillors
Email NYP Community Messaging – Selby – NY NHW and Rural Watch Association forwarded to Parish Councillors
It was reported that theft of dogs was now common. After a general discussion on the matters it was resolved no action for now.
Planning matters:-
Conifer Drive development –
Cllr Elmhirst reported on the condition of the drain across the green, which is minuted by the committee meeting on 20th February 2016, and that he had personally delivered the letter proposed, which was from the Parish Council to each of the six properties that so far as the council is aware share the responsibility for the pipe system. The letter with a plan attached included the findings of CCTV Drainage Investigations, commissioned by the council, and advised that the council is not proposing to take any further steps while the polythene pipe is running satisfactorily but that those using the pipe will no doubt consider whether they wish to take any remedial action themselves.
It was resolved to write to the internal drainage board about the lack of a flap valve at the exit into the beck.
Cllr Spaven reported that she was to challenge the amount charged to connected properties by the local authority for maintenance of their treatment plant.
Cllr Elmhirst reported that Yorkshire Water had stated that they had no plans to install a public sewer.
It was resolved that the item previously published in the Parish Magazine adequately covered information on the Environment Agency rules for septic tanks.
Manor Cottage development – nothing significant.
Planning application for Lawful Development Certificate for existing use as a dwelling and touring caravan site at The Bungalow, Moreby Grange, Moreby – no result yet.
It was noted that the temporary caravan at The Croft livery stables had been removed.
Children’s play area:-
Cllrs Collingridge and Pollock advised that a “playground group” had been formed to investigate the provision of a children’s play area in the village. The group will include Cllrs Collingridge and Pollock (in their private capacities) plus nine other residents. The parish council will not be involved in the initial stages of the investigation, but any proposal by the group affecting parish council land would have to be submitted, ultimately, to the parish council for approval. In the meantime any resident with a view on the proposals should pass it to the Chair of the playground group – Alison Rothwell.
It was resolved to disband the Parish Council playground committee that was set up on 4th February 2016.
Claim to Transparency Fund –
Cllr Elmhirst reported that Cllr Cook had asked the careers’ advisor at Fulford School whether there was a student interested. It was resolved that probably what was appropriate was three quotes on WordPress from established firms and Cllr Collingridge offered to speak to Cllr Cook.
Environment Agency rules for septic tanks – dealt with earlier after “Conifer Drive development”.
Village Green:-
Work to trees: stump grinding: 2nd reminder sent 12/10/14 –
Cllr Elmhirst reported that he had given Branches Out their third reminder regarding this and removal of branches and he would keep at them.
Meeting with Natural England –
The weed wiping had been carried out but no invoice received for it yet.
Fallon Mahon (Natural England, Wheldrake Ings) who was at this meeting had suggested that there were firms who use the bales from haymaking as compost. Cllr Daniel reported that he could find no one interested.
Procedure for hay cutting in July and for subsequent grazing with sheep –
Cllr Swinglehurst confirmed that he would not quote for grazing with sheep because of dog mess infecting the green.
It was resolved to set up a Committee of Cllrs Elmhirst, Pollock and Spaven to ask for and accept quotations for the green, the haymaking which would probably be in three parts for cut and turn, bale and dispose. Cllr Elmhirst said that he had asked for a dispensation to cut the green from July 1st and had been told that there was no problem with this. Cllr Daniel would supply names of anyone interested in grazing the aftermath.
Risk Assessment –
Branches Out to remove several branches – not yet done, dealt with earlier under “Village Green”.
Church boundary wall: church architect’s response awaited – Cllr Daniel reported that this would be the second week in June.
Financial matters:-
If internal audit completed – Cllr Daniel reported that he had not received back the accounts from Fred Jackson.
Report from Council Member Internal Auditors on result of Audit Procedure and resolution to approve the Annual governance statement –
The written report from Cllr Daniel was the following three items:-
No paperwork relating to HMRC payment of £165.20 – the Clerk showed him the paperwork for inclusion with the accounts details,
no Yorkshire Bank statement after 31st December 2015 for the closing balance – the Clerk said that this was sent to the internal auditors when issued,
only one rent payment for parish field; not received 1st instalment for 2016 – Cllr Elmhirst to check whether payment to the Yorkshire Bank account, as stated, had been made.
There was completion of reviewing of the wording of the annual governance statements and it was resolved that the Chairman sign the Annual governance statement (financial minute no. 1).
Resolution to approve the Accounting statements –
It was resolved that the Chairman sign the Accounting statements (financial minute no. 2). It was resolved to ask YLCA if they could help with the Audit Procedure.
Acorn Lighting Services Ltd – it was thought that the light at column 6 The Green was working satisfactorily and so invoices to replace ballast and lamp for £53.60 plus vat and, as stated on the invoice, capacitor had gone faulty and melted and taken out the ballast in the process, to replace ballast, fuse and capacitor for £49.00 plus vat and also an invoice recently received for £60.60 plus vat were authorised for payment. This latter invoice was for light 4 Escrick Road and stated that a light on York Road requires a new bracket and box, which was assumed to be the LED light, and it was resolved to instruct Acorn Lighting Services to proceed.
Zurich – annual renewal of insurance for £251.85, the same as last year except for the insurance premium increase, was authorised for payment. It was reported that there were two rope swings on the green. The Clerk said he would phone Zurich in the morning about insurance cover.
NS&I notification that their interest rate will reduce from 0.75% p.a. to 0.45% p.a. on 1st July 2016 (£2,050 is invested) – no comment.
Charity matters:-
Procedure for a new Farm Business Tenancy on 1st October 2016 –
It was resolved that Cundalls needed to be involved and Cllr Spaven would speak to their Keith Warters.
NS&I notification that their interest rate will reduce from 0.75% p.a. to 0.45% p.a. on 1st July 2016 (£6,495 is the investment) – no comment.
Funds available (“for any charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Stillingfleet for which provision is not made out of rates, taxes or other public funds”) – no proposal.
Support requested by Cawood PC for a Sunday bus service –
It was noted that in the past the bus service had been supported and it was resolved in principal to support a Sunday service.
CPRE Countryside Voice and Fieldwork, Spring 2016
YLCA White Rose Update 15 April 2016 with Westcotec traffic Safety systems advertisement
Selby Brownfield Register
Wicksteed playground advertisement
Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2016, with HAGS SMP advertisement
Any other business: –
Eastern CEF safari cinema consultation –
It was resolved that there was interest in the suggestion, that the only venue was the Village Hall with an approximate seating capacity of 40 and a list of available films would be helpful but it was for the village hall to reply and say whether they needed help with licensing.
Clerk retirement; would be 80 on 15/7/2017 –
It was resolved to check whether anyone wanted the position.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 4th August 2016 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Meeting closed 10.00 pm.