19025  Welcome

The Chair welcomed councillors and the clerk as follows:

Councillors: Paul Elmhirst (Chair), John Cook (Vice-chair), Terry Harrison, Lesley Collingridge, James Atkinson.

Clerk: Ruth Swales

Public: Neil Reader.(Selby DC Councillor)

All present signed the Attendance sheet.

 19026  Apologies

Council received and accepted apologies from Cllr Sally Lewis.

19027  Public Participation – Selby’s re-cycling services

Cllr Reader explained the consultation that is under-way regarding proposals for changes to Selby’s recycling services and raised concern as to whether notification of this consultation had reached a wide enough audience. A discussion followed in which Councillors asked Cllr Reader to endeavour to provide details of the costs associated with the various proposed options.

In view of the limited window for responses to the consultation it was RESOLVED that Cllr Elmhirst would submit a collective response on behalf of the village and that Cllr Harrison would canvas views of the village residents at the forthcoming coffee morning in the village institute.

19028  Co-option Procedure

Council considered and RESOLVED to adopt the proposed co-option procedure with immediate effect. Clerk to share with all applicants for the current casual vacancies.

19029  Year-end Procedures


RESOLVED that the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2018/19, included at page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19 (AGAR), be noted and RESOLVED to address any highlighted deficiencies.

RESOLVED that Council approve Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 for Stillingfleet Parish Council on page 5 of the AGAR 2018/19. Section 1 was signed accordingly.

RESOLVED that Council approve Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2018/19 for Stillingfleet Parish Council on page 6 of the AGAR 2018/2019. Section 2 was signed accordingly.

RESOLVED that Council approve the Explanation of Variances 2017/18 .v. 2018/19.

RESOLVED that, in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, Stillingfleet Parish Council will publish the following documents on its website:

  • Certificate of Exemption,
  • Annual Internal Audit Report 2018/19,
  • Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2018/19,
  • Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2018/19, page 6
  • Analysis of variances
  • Bank Reconciliation to 31 March 2019
  • Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights and other information required by Regulation 15 (2), Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. The period for the exercise of these public rights will be 24 June 2019 to 23 July 2019.

19030    Bank mandate

In accordance with the resolution put down at the annual meeting the 3 counter-signatories signed the revised bank mandates for both Yorkshire Bank and the NS&I.

19031    Transfer of CIL funds

In accordance with resolution made at the ordinary meeting on 16 May 2019 a cheque and deposit form was signed to transfer £2,967.30 (being the CIL funds in relation to the Plantation House development) from the Council’s current account to its NS&I account to be held in reserve for any future expenditure on a children’s playground.

19032    Data protection fee

Acting on one of the Auditors recommendations and recognising that as Data Controller under the GDPR regulations Council recognised its need to register with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Therefore Council RESOLVED to register and pay the £40 tier 1 data protection fee to the ICO (the required fee for a data controllers with up to 10 members of staff).

19033    Street Lighting / energy costs

19033.1 Council received an update from Cllr Elmhirst re his enquiries into the Council’s street lighting costs and RESOLVED to request a site survey on order to determine the Council’s street lighting inventory and enable the production of a full costing re the further conversion to LED lighting.

19033.2 Council received an update from Cllr Elmhirst re NPG’s response re the cost of replacement of the light at 1 Laburnham Grove.

19034    Payments Due

Council RESOLVED to make the following payments:


NYCC re street lighting electricity £1,706.71
Stillingfleet Village Institute re today’s meeting £8.00
ICO re data protection fee £40.00
YLCA re audit fee £120

19035    Date of next meeting

The date of the next ordinary meeting was confirmed as Thursday 1 August 2019 at 7.30pm