Minutes of meeting held on 1st December 2016

Present:- Cllrs P Elmhirst, J Atkinson, L Collingbridge, J Cook, R Daniel, T Harrison,  D Swinglehurst.

In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council), Sally Lewis.

Public Participation:- None.

Apologies:-  Cllr A Spavenaccepted.

Declarations of Interest:- None.

Minutes of last meeting

After a correction deleting an “m” and inserting an “n” in the name of Cllr A Spaven in the list of councillors present at the meeting, the minutes of the meeting held on 6th October 2016 were confirmed as a correct record.

Matters arising from meeting 6th October 2016:- None.

Police matters: correction that the offer from the Police was to send to parish councillors every two months their report – no action.

Planning matters:-

Manor Cottage development –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that until all properties were sold the easement would not be dealt with by the developer.

SDC Planning approved, with conditions, retrospective planning application for change of use of agricultural land to pheasant rearing at Ashfield Farm, York Road

Retrospective planning application for change of use of agricultural land to be used as a motocross track including associated earth jumps at land South of Airfield, Back Lane, Acaster Selby – it was reported that this application to SDC had been refused by SDC.

Planning application received for conversion of stable block to a single dwelling at Beck Farm, Escrick Road: PC observations have been sent


Play area –

Cllr Elmhirst read through the minutes of the Play Area Committee meeting held on 28th November 2016 with the Play Area group.

It was resolved to ask the Play Area group to draw up a brief for a play area on the far SW corner of the green (setting out their proposals with costings) and for them to present it to the Parish Council.   The Parish Council would then consider those proposals and whether, with or without amendment, to circulate them to all residents of the village together with a questionnaire (prepared by the Parish Council) to determine residents views on those proposals.  The Parish Council would also consider whether it would be appropriate for a public presentation to be made to the village by the Play Area group prior to (or when) circulating the questionnaire.

Cllr Cook mentioned the extensive range of activities, with equipment available, at the recently rebuilt Sports Centre at Selby.


Transparency Fund and website development

Cllr Collinridge reported on good progress with the website and asked councillors to access it and suggest any improvements.

Cllr Cook asked for clarification regarding copyright and Cllr Collingridge agreed to investigate the matter.

Cllr Cook asked for the YLCA log in.

Payment of the second instalment of £233.00 for website building to Samantha E Lyth was approved.

Invoice received for final instalment of website building for £234.00 for Red Kite Services plus purchasing domain name for Stillingfleet PC from Vistaprint for £10.99 was approved for payment to Samantha E Lyth.


Village Green:-

Work to trees: stump grinding – Cllr Elmhirst reported that Branches Out said it was done.

Procedure for aftermath –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that if it had been cut there was no market for haylage.  He had been unable to contact Ailsa at Natural England and so had applied for a Derogation at the end of October not to cut the aftermath and had received no reply.

Church boundary wall –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that he had removed some ash tree growth and that the view from The Green southeast of approaching traffic could be improved by removing the lower branches of the walnut tree but it was resolved that this was not necessary.

The spreading of soil had been completed but part of the electrician’s work could not be covered by Cllr Daniel’s insurance claim that resulted from the narrow opening and it was resolved to reimburse him for part of the bill for the bridge light, amounting to £78.64.


Co-option for parish councillor vacancy –

Sally Lewis withdrew whilst this was considered.  Sally Lewis, the only applicant, was unanimously elected as a parish councillor.

Financial matters:-

Findings of the council internal auditors on the half year accounts report – Cllr Daniel reported that the accounts were OK but in the absence of Cllr Spaven the item was deferred.

Invoices from Red Kite for website – dealt with earlier.

YLCA – for clerk advertisement for £15.00 was authorised.

Royal British Legion remembrance wreath – £18.50 had been paid by Cllr Harrison and reimbursement was authorised.

Lower Derwent Valley Conservation Group – invoice received for weed wiping the green for £600.00 was authorised for payment.

Village Hall – invoice received for hire for meetings in 2016 for £124.00 was authorised for payment.

Acorn Lighting Services Ltd email received regarding the LED light that it has a broken bracket arm that is letting in water and rubbing through the internal cables and requires a new bracket and service box and quoted £200.00 for the work not including that the electricity board have to connect to the new box – the Clerk reported that he had not yet had the quotation from Northern Powergrid despite phoning a reminder and it was resolved to defer this item.

Precept for 2017-2018 (draft enclosed) – it was resolved to increase the Band D Charge by 2% making a parish requirement of £4,227.47.


Charity matters:-

Farm Business Tenancy handover of entitlements – deferred in the absence of Cllr Spaven.

Subsidy for buses Sunday and Bank Holiday service – subsequent email from Cawood PC that, as there is a statutory 56-day period from when an application is accepted, no further action on a Sunday service will take place until after the works on Cawood bridge have been completed.  Cllr Cook said that it was a requirement for the budget to be on the website and it was resolved that the Clerk add an extra line to include the support for the bus service.



YLCA White Rose Update, September 2016

SDC email BT consultation on intended public payphone removals – it was resolved, in view of the possible maintenance costs, no action.

SDC Chairman’s letter requesting a donation from the PC to his Charity Appeal for Asthma UK and Macmillan Cancer Support and asking if the PC have any events you would like to ask him to – no action.

SDC Planners granted permission for retrospective change of use of agricultural land to pheasant rearing at Ashfield Farm, York Road with conditions

Clerks & Councils Direct, November 2016, with Wicksteed playgrounds advertisement

Greenfingers ground maintenance advertisement

PKF Littlejohn LLP sticker to hide their erroneous comment on the Annual Return about assuming purchase of the vehicle actuated signs

NYCC notification of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan published version consultation on whether it is legally compliant and sound – no action.

NYCC Selby Area Committee notification and agenda for meeting on November 28th – no attendee.


Any other business:–


Clerk retirement –

Cllr Elmirst reported that he so far had one interested person, Robina, the Clerk of Cawood PC, whom he would see the following week.


Septic tanks: reply received from Nigel Adams MP –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that the reply confirmed that residents with septic tanks (as opposed to treatment plants) discharging into the beck would have to convert to treatment plants by 2020 or risk prosecution.  However the Environment Agency say they give advice and guidance before considering prosecution and that they would be unlikely to pursue individuals if there is no evidence of pollution.  Residents who may not be able to convert to a treatment plant by 2020 should keep their current system well maintained to avoid the attention of the Environment Agency after 2020.


Highway repairs outstanding as PC letter dated 27/4/16 regarding standing water on The Green southwest and southeast near Church Hill –

It was noted that potholes referred to in this letter had been dealt with but these two other matters had not been fixed and it was resolved that the Clerk send a reminder.


Comment by Cllr Harrison at the last meeting that trees by the bridge are blocking the view of southbound traffic for vehicles entering the main road from the SE sector of the green – dealt with earlier.


Cllr Daniel: cemetery drains –

Cllr Daniel reported that wet conditions within the cemetery required a professional drainage contractor and Rev. Kirkman would be looking for the parish council to contribute.


Cllr Cook reported from the CEF:

The Energy Doctor, a charity to help with costs, offered a meeting – refer to Grace Atkinson;

Recent flooding at Riccall had prompted them to have equipment available and ask if other parishes would be involved – no action.


Co-option for parish councillor vacancy – dealt with earlier.


Date of next meeting – Thursday 2nd February 2017 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Future meetings (all Thursdays):- April 6th (7.00pm Annual Parish Meeting), May 25th, August 3rd, October 5th, December 7th.


Meeting closed 9.30 pm.