Present: Cllrs P Elmhirst, J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, T Harrison, J Pollock, D Swinglehurst.
In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council).
Public Participation:- None.
Apologies:- Cllr A Spaven (didn’t expect to get back in time).
Declarations of Interest:- Cllr Swinglehurst (The Green).
Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2015 were confirmed as a correct record.
Matters arising from meeting 1st October 2015:-
Traffic calming and Vehicle Activated Signs: PC letter sent 18/5/15 to NYCC stating a decision will be made at the August meeting, no response; proposed to get the questionnaires into the next issue of Parish magazines –
Cllr Elmhirst reported that the questionnaires were in the December magazines and he agreed that he would put in the January magazine a date for return of questionnaires of, say, the end of January and where additional copies could be obtained.
How to Respond to Planning Applications: Cllr Elmhirst has a copy and it is on the Clerk’s computer but it has far too much block colour making it very expensive to print off on a home computer and some of the lengthy wording is not applicable to a parish council –
Cllr Elmhirst said that it was a CPRE publication which could be viewed on their website.
Police matters –
Email Ringmaster reports from Eggborough forwarded to Parish Councillors –
Cllr Cook reported from a CEF meeting that we were in the Sherburn area and details from the Police were awaited.
Planning matters:-
Stillingfleet mine site: any follow up from Cllr Casling with Ian Irwin of NYCC – no action.
Conifer Drive development: letter received from Edenvale Homes Ltd 13/11/15, forwarded to Cllr Elmhirst, and Committee report and minutes to approve –
Cllr Elmhirst reported in accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Committee on 29th November 2015 and that a camera investigation would (hopefully) discover the nature of the problem and then if a likely cause could be found the person or agent could be asked to fix it. It was resolved to instruct CCTV Drainage Investigations to carry out camera investigation of the drains and tolerance at the same time to carry out repairs, as if it is a simple problem to solve it would make sense just to get it done. It was resolved that Cllr Elmhirst sign the minutes of the meetings of the Committee on both 19th (forwarded by email) and 29th (circulated at this meeting) November 2015 as a correct record.
Manor Cottage development –
It was noted that the final top course with the hump and gully was still to be done. The easement had been signed.
Planning application, subsequent amended plans and then heritage statement for demolition of garage / workshop and erection of new garage to the front of Applegarth Bungalow and new dwelling to rear plot, Dales Court: SDC Planning granted permission (“no development shall commence until suitability of soakaways has been approved and if not proven the Applicant should submit amended proposals showing how the site is to be drained”) – the Clerk to be informed by parish councillors when work started.
Planning application for proposed erection of a detached two storey dwelling with detached single garage at Plot 2, The Manor, The Green – no information yet from SDC.
SDC Planning granted permission for proposed erection of a detached two storey dwelling with attached double garage at Plot 1, The Manor, The Green (the southern site) –
Cllr Elmhirst quoted from the Planning Officer’s report to the SDC Planning Committee passages that contradicted the Parish Council’s observations. Cllr Cook reported that the developer who lost the case in the High Court against refusal of planning permission when the local authority did not have a five-year supply of housing land then had the decision reversed in the House of Lords. SDC were at this time obliged to give planning permission for any “sustainable” housing development but had also given unsatisfactory answers to the PC’s comments on the requirement of a conservation area and the setting of a precedent. It was resolved that Cllr Elmhirst draft the response to SDC.
Planning applications for variation of condition 10 of permission for Conifer Drive plot 2 – no information yet from SDC.
Planning application new Implement Shed with Hay Store, Croft Livery Yard, Stewart Lane –
It was resolved that the response is no observation.
Buses: email update 5/11/15 from Cllr J Cattanach; any problems –
It was noted that, in the past, services had been supported to a limited extent but after discussion it was resolved that no appropriate action could be taken.
Discussion on lack of children’s playing facilities –
Cllr Harrison reported regarding Naburn that they had spent £9½k 5/6 years ago, there was an annual inspection, no extra on insurance, only needs to be fenced if hazards within 50 metres, age range toddlers to 13, grass surface with some rubber mats and grass cut by the local authority with the playing field (used by the school),
Cllr Pollock reported that she had contacted several firms, who we all keen to proceed.
It was resolved to establish the extent of interest by a request in the Parish Magazine to contact Cllr Pollock or by email to the Clerk.
Village Green:-
Work to trees: stump grinding – 2nd reminder sent 12/10/14 –
Cllr Elmhirst reported that he had walked round both the village green and the parish field with Branches Out, who would give a report for free.
Proposed meeting with Natural England –
Cllr Swinglehurst advised that the village green needed 2/3 years of weed wiping and flailing.
Cllr Elmhirst agreed to discuss this with Natural England.
Request for Methodist Church to put a flagstone at the bottom of the steps up to the Chapel; at present there is only slippery wet grass –
It was resolved that this was OK provided that the Methodist Church accepted responsibility that the step is safe for use and would not constitute a hazard for passers-by.
Risk Assessment:–
Report expected following a walk round of Cllr Elmhirst with Branches Out – dealt with earlier.
Previous reply from NYCC Public Rights of Way to PC letter regarding condition of footbridges and of footpath items on the parish field: PC letter sent 13/11/15 –
It was noted that the bridges had been well repaired; the Clerk to follow up the items on the parish field.
Church boundary wall –
Cllr Daniel reported that the matter had been referred to the church architect and his response was awaited.
Financial matters:-
Acorn Lighting Services Ltd – Cllr Elmhirst reported to Cllr Harrison that the light nearest his house was not working (no. 6); invoice received to replace bulb to column 6 for £35.60 plus vat was authorised for payment.
Natural England – invoice received for weed wiping (village green) for £200.00 was authorised for payment.
Cllr Spaven: printing of speeding questionnaire – no invoice received yet.
Village Hall hire – no invoice received yet.
D Swinglehurst – invoice received for grazing the green Oct, Nov, Dec for £600.00 plus vat, as quote, was authorised for payment.
Royal British Legion – Remembrance Day wreath for £18.50 was authorised for payment.
Precept for 2016-2017 (draft attached to agenda) – it was resolved that the precept be an increase of 2% per property (based on the Band D charge) so that the Parish Requirement (inclusive of the SDC support grant of £93.17) is £4,086.00.
Charity matters:-
FBT Agreement: PC notice sent to David Patrick Atkinson to quit on 30th September 2016; rental for remaining year –
It was resolved that the Clerk send a reminder to David Atkinson and that Cllr Elmhirst follow up with Cllr Spaven for further advice from Cundalls.
Pensioners’ Christmas lunch – payment made of £350.00 towards cost was authorised.
YLCA minutes of meeting of Joint Executive Board on 18/4/15
Andy Shield email about public access defibrillators
Tansy Beetle Conservation Officer email
YLCA copy of Transparency code for smaller authorities, NALC guidance notes and application form for Transparency Fund – efforts to be made to justify a claim.
YLCA White Rose Update, September, and Training and Development Calendar, Summer/Winter 2015
Clerks & Councils Direct, September 2015, with subscription application form
Cllr J Cattanach emailed Cawood Bridge by Chris Cade
NYCC Tadcaster & Rural Prevention Service programme of events September 2015 to March 2016
NYCC Integrated Passenger Transport notification of results of consultation on reduction of bus subsidies
Clerks & Councils Direct, November 2015, with subscription form for Local Councils Update and advertisement for Wicksteed Playgrounds equipment
NYCC letter requesting information of any existing highway sponsorship agreement for a roundabout or other highway asset – none.
CPRE York & Selby District Autumn Newsletter 2015
NYCC Street Lighting Depot offer to quote for maintenance: PC letter sent 13/11/15 giving details of lamps – no reply yet.
SDC email notification regarding Council Tax Base and Parish Grant information meetings
NYCC Highways Asset Management email stating that cutting of the urban visibility splays (347m2) may be reduced to four times per year and asking if the PC want to take over cutting of the visibility splays to be paid for a maximum of five times per year at a minimum of 6p per m2 per cut, the amount to be confirmed; subsequently confirmed OK to reply after the meeting – answer is no.
NYCC and also from City of York Council notification of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan (also with the North York Moors National Park) Preferred Options consultation – no comment.
YLCA White Rose Update, 13 November 2015, with Streetscape Products & Services Ltd advertisement
SDC notification of presentation to parish councils on the Community Infrastructure Levy at 5pm on 14th and 28th January 2016 – Cllr Cook to notify his intended attendance at the presentation on 14th January.
YLCA letter about how to claim on the Smaller Authorities Transparency Fund
Any other business:-
Email received October 1st that Anthony Atkinson has called to advise that he has knocked down the brick village sign, entering the village from Naburn – it was noted that he had repaired it.
Cllr Pollock request for YLCA password to be available to parish councillors – it was resolved; the Clerk to notify her when the password worked.
Clerk request for confirmation to shred past planning records – the Clerk reported that he had checked with YLCA and although there was no legal requirement to keep records of planning, it was advisable, particularly in contentious applications, to keep at least the grant of permission and he would have to go through them.
Cllr Daniel reported that the noticeboard near the green was in need of repair and it was agreed that he contact a local person. Also Cllr Elmhirst would prepare information details of the church and the door for the churchyard display board while Cllr Cook would arrange for those details to be copied in a suitable and permanent form and to be placed on the display board.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 4th February 2016 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
Future meeting dates in 2016 (in accordance with Standing Orders) are Thursdays April 7th, May 26th, August 4th, October 6th and December 1st.
Meeting closed 10.05 pm.