Present:- Cllrs P Elmhirst, J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, T Harrison,

J Pollock, A Spaven, D Swinglehurst.

 In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council), Paul Holt.

 Public Participation:- None.

 Apologies:- None.

 Declarations of Interest:- Cllr Swinglehurst (The Green).


Minutes of last meeting

After one misspelling of Elmhirst was corrected and it was noted for these minutes that the receipt of an email ought to have been recorded, which was from Simon Bedford about the lack of children’s playing facilities, the minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2016 were confirmed as a correct record.


Matters arising from meeting 4th February 2016:-

Selby District Council’s entry in phone book; email sent 10/3/16 to SDC by Clerk –

No reply yet.  Cllr Elmhirst recommended their contact centre (Access Selby, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Selby).


Claim to Transparency Fund –

Cllr Cook reported that he had made a hurried successful claim and he was awaiting a meeting of YLCA for confirmation on the validation of claims; there was an allowance for equipment and the majority was for training.


NYCC Street Lighting Depot offer to quote for maintenance –

The Clerk reported that their maintenance was based on renewing the bulbs every two years, which made it more expensive.  Our bulbs lasted about six to eight years.  It was resolved to stay with the present firm.

(See under Financial matters for resolutions completed regarding repairs.)


Noticeboards –

Regarding repair of the noticeboard on the green, Cllr Daniel said that he would check with the person whom he had approached whether or not they were still willing to do the repair.


Police matters:-

Email Ringmaster reports from Eggborough forwarded to Parish Councillors

Details expected regarding being in the Sherburn area –

Cllr Cook reported that he no longer had a contact for the Sherburn area.   Cllr Harrison reported that he received some local Selby information and it was resolved that this be circulated via the Clerk.


Planning matters:-

Conifer Drive development: to consider draft minutes of the drainage committee meeting held on 20th February 2016 (attached); update –

Cllr Elmhirst reported the current position and it was resolved to confirm the actions of the committee and that they should consider sending a letter to property owners using the pipe explaining that their discharge pipe had not been professionally installed so that it could cause problems in future and that they should check NHBC time limits.

Manor Cottage development – nothing to report, except completion around June.

SDC Planning permission for proposed erection of a two storey dwelling with attached double garage at Plot 1, The Manor, The Green –

Cllr Elmhirst said that, after the outcome of the appeal on plot 2, he would draft a letter to SDC about the apparent breach of its own policies in this case.

Appeal by applicant against refusal by SDC Planning for dwelling at Plot 2, The Manor, The Green –

The appeal papers had been circulated and it was resolved accordingly to send further objections to Selby Planners and the Inspector to counter the arguments put forward by the applicants.

Planning application for Lawful Development Certificate for existing use as a dwelling and touring caravan site at The Bungalow, Moreby Grange, Moreby; PC observation has been sent – no information yet.


Traffic Calming: PC letter sent 8/2/16 to NYCC to say VAS no longer wanted and asking for extension of footpath on York Road; reply dated 7/3/16 received –

Cllr Elmhirst read out the reply that raised a problem with the existence of a private ditch and that said due to budget cuts a decision had been taken only to bring forward such schemes that achieve casualty reduction but our request had been placed on a waiting list should funding be made available in the future.

It was resolved no further action and the item not to be on future agendas.


Children’s playing facilities: email received (from Paul Holt); update –

Cllr Pollock reported on the work done by the play area committee and the minutes of their meeting held on 21st March 2016 were accepted.  She reported that Streetscape would do a site visit and free survey and that grants were available up to £10K from Awards for All and also from waste disposal firms.  It was resolved that Cllrs Pollock and Collingridge co-opt other interested residents to form a group to examine all the proposals and issues raised by this project (including assess alternative sites) and report progress at subsequent PC meetings.   It was agreed that the group would liaise with the PCC (their wall and trees), which would require a faculty for any work affecting the churchyard, they would also check planning and conservation issues, liaise (via Paul) with Natural England, examine the demographic situation and, as not all residents are in favour of the proposals, consider making a presentation of ideas in the village hall.  When that has been done a full report would be made to the PC for consideration.


Village Green:-

Work to trees: stump grinding: 2nd reminder sent 12/10/14 –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that Branches Out work was imminent and they had been reminded about the stump grinding.

Proposed meeting with Natural England –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that the meeting had been arranged for Tuesday 19th April at 2pm but he thought Natural England would propose continued weed wiping for the dominant cow parsley and hogweed.  It was resolved that tenders would be invited after this meeting for consideration at the May PC meeting.

Procedure for hay cutting in July –

It was resolved to include in the Parish Magazine the request for tenderers, preferably in a box.  Cllr Swinglehurst confirmed that he would quote for grazing.


Risk Assessment

Cllr Elmhirst read through the risk assessment, which had been done with Cllr Daniel, setting out the measures to be taken.  It was resolved to accept this without amendment.

Branches Out to remove several branches – dealt with under Village Green.

Church boundary wall: church architect’s response awaited

To consider items on list for inspection and results of inspection – dealt with above.


Financial matters:-

Acorn Lighting Services Ltd – invoices received for column 6 The Green to replace ballast and lamp for £53.60 plus vat and, as stated on the invoice, capacitor had gone faulty and melted and taken out the ballast in the process, to replace ballast, fuse and capacitor for £49.00 plus vat – Cllr Pollock reported that this light had been on in the daytime but not at night.  I was resolved not yet to pay the invoices.  Cllr Harrison reported also that the LED light was not working and he had reported it to Acorn Lighting Services by email twice.  It was resolved that he email them about both lights.

YLCA – payment was approved of the annual membership subscription of £124.00.

CPRE – payment was approved of annual membership for £36.00.  Cllr Cook, as a local committee member, mentioned that they were campaigning against wind farms at Thorganby and the excavation of one million cu. m. of clay and backfilling with waste at the former Escrick tile works on the A19.

Stillingfleet PCC – last year payment had been made of half the cost which this year would be £975.00, which was approved for payment.

CCTV Drainage Investigations – invoice for investigation work to the green for £150.00 plus vat was approved for payment.

The annual accounting statements were approved with the exception of one item for the accounts which were to be checked.

Clerk – payment of salary for 2015-16 and expenses, as presented to Chairman, subject to audit, were approved for payment   The Clerk reported that his salary stayed the same until agreement by NALC and the Union but his distance from Stillingfleet was now a round trip of 11 miles, which was approved.

NYCC – invoice received for electricity for lights 2015-16 for £1,073.25 plus vat was approved for payment.


Charity matters:-

FBT Agreement: PC gave notice to David Patrick Atkinson to quit on 30th September 2016; PC reminder sent for rent due –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that a cheque had just been received for £923.75 and that the remaining rent would be paid by the end of May, which the Clerk confirmed was also stated in an email from David Atkinson.  No action was proposed.

Procedure for a new Farm Business Tenancy –

Cllr Swinglehurst confirmed he would quote based on the EU Entitlements.  It was noted that a new Agreement was required by 30th September.



NYCC Selby Area Committee notice and agenda for meeting on March 14th

YLCA White Rose Update 7 March 2016 (includes reference to needing signatures for petition to give local councils the right to appeal planning decisions) with Streetscape advertisement – It was resolved not to support the petition due to the cost of a failed appeal.

HM Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday advert for commemorative medal for schools and councils – It was resolved that the PC purchase the medals up to the minimum order of 50 no. costing about £120 for local school children to be presented at a Church fund raising event offered by Cllr Daniel on 3rd July.

Natural England stewardship claim form for completion and return by May 16th – signed by the Chairman.

Email 3/3/16 from Ian Morris regarding two gates on the village green – dealt with.

Environment Agency notice of new “general binding rules” that simplify the way septic tank and small treatment works are regulated by ensuring that they are maintained correctly and do not cause pollution –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that, following Government Regulations in 2010 making it illegal for septic tanks to drain into watercourses, the Environment Agency has recently introduced “General Binding Rules”.  As a concession, householders now have until 1st January 2020 to install a modern sewage treatment plant.

NYCC Changes at Household Waste Recycling Centres letter, leaflet and 2 posters


Date of next meeting – Thursday 26th May 2016 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed 9.55 pm.
