In Attendance:
Paul Elmhirst – Chair of Stillingfleet Parish Council
Coucillor John Cook
Councillor James Atkinson
Councillor Lesley Collingridge
Councillor Michelle Dixon
Councillor Richard Daniel
Councillor Terry Harrison
Councillor Sally Lewis
Councillor David Swinglehurst
Ruth Swales, Clerk to the Council
No other electors of the Parish were present
- Meeting commenced at 7pm with Cllr Elmhirst welcoming those present – all in attendance signed the Attendance Register
- Cllr Elmhirst noted that his annual report as Chairman of Stillingfleet Parish Council had been posted on to the Parish Council website.
- Cllr Elmhirst expressed his hope that in the forthcoming year the Parish Council might become more pro-active in addressing matters which could increase the community spirit in the village and enhance its attractiveness. Prior to the meeting he had encouraged Councillors to give some thought to any suggestions on what the Council could consider.
- The following suggestions were tabled for future consideration:
- Maintenance of the Village Green
It was noted that the Natural England Stewardship Grant will finish in 2020. It was suggested therefore that the Council ought to consider developing a long term plan for the Village Green’s maintenance and particularly its drainage problems.
- Development of the disused Mine Site
Recognising that the current land owner is looking to develop the site for economic return yet the weight of public opinion in the village objects to the development of the proposed construction waste processing, the challenge for the Council could be to come up with an alternative suggestion for how the land use could become as asset rather than a liability. The possibility of lobbying for consideration of development of a Solar Farm in line with government policy was suggested.
- Enhancing the Community atmosphere
Opinion was expressed that there are some feelings of older residents in the village that that newcomers don’t join in existing community activities whereas some newcomers don’t feel particularly welcome.
It was suggested that Council could consider making a Fund available whereby parishioners could bid for Council funding to launch new community activities which might have wider appeal.
- Lack of a Public House
It was noted that with the closure of the Cross Keys the village has lost a valuable opportunity for parishioners to get together. It was noted that Sam Smith’s (the current owners) had commented that it hadn’t been able to operate as a commercially viable business for many years. Cllr Elmhirst was due to attend a meeting at which Sam Smith’s would be represented and he agreed to try and find out what were the future plans for the pub. It was suggested that in the absence of a shop in the village it could be appreciated if a small community shop could be established in a corner of the pub.
- Expansion of public footpaths
It was suggested that the Council might investigate the possibility of establishing a permissive path along the riverbank from Stillingfleet to Cawood and/or Stillingfleet to Escrick to increase the walking opportunities in the village. Opinion was expressed that the current landowners and Environmental agencies might not be in favour.
- Re-siting of litter bin
Opinion was expressed that the litter bin sited on the wall close to the entrance to the Church doesn’t enhance the Church’s appearance and is often quite unsightly to Churchgoers. It was suggested that the Council could consider re-siting this bin to a more appropriate position
5. Meeting closed at 7.30pm. Council will consider the above suggestions at forthcoming Parish Council meetings throughout the year.
Ruth Swales
Clerk to the Council, Stillingfleet Parish Council