Parish Council Minutes
Venue: Stillingfleet Village Hall
Date: 3 August 2017
Time: 7.30pm
Present: Councillor Paul Elmhirst in the Chair
Councillors J Atkinson, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, T Harrison, S Lewis and D Swinglehurst.
Officers Present: Hannah Breheney, Clerk to the Council.
Press: 0
Public: 2 – Michael O’Neil and Paul Holt.
No questions were raised.
No apologies were received.
Councillor Swinglehurst declared an interest in the parish field.
The Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 25 May 2017.
To approve the minutes of the council meeting held on the 25 May 2017 for signing by the Chairman.
Defibrillator – The Clerk confirmed that she had received a correspondence from the Village Hall Committee confirming that they were willing to apply for funding for a defibrillator from the Eastern Community Engagement Forum. The Clerk had supplied them with the funding criteria and application form.
To await the outcome of the Village Hall Committee’s application for funding to the Eastern Community Engagement Forum.
Green Lane/Stewart Lane Junction -Councillor Elmhirst had spoken with the owners of the property at the junction and the hedge has been trimmed.
No further action was required on this matter.
Co-option of a New Councillor – Councillor Elmhirst explained that the Council had followed the procedures to advertise the vacancy on the Council and that the Council could now go ahead and co-opted a new member. Discussions were held on the best way to advertise for a new Councillor.
To advertise for a new Councillor on the parish website, noticeboard and in the parish magazine. Candidates would be asked to submit a short CV.
Selby Area Committee – The candidates were discussed and the Council decided on who they wished to vote for.
The Clerk to submit the Parish Councils vote for the candidates selected.
Councillor Elmhirst gave a summary of the YLCA play course he had attended on the 27 July 2017.
Councillor Elmhirst had received a number of correspondences from an individual and he was unsure if these were their personal views or that of Play Stillingfleet. He stressed that the Parish Council were happy to consider peoples views on the proposed play area but the Parish Council had to make it’s own decision on the matter.
The Play Group Sub Committee, Play Stillingfleet and Groundwork had met and it was agreed that the consultation event on the proposed play area would take place on the 20 September at the Village Hall. The venue has been booked and is going to be advertised in the Parish magazine. The main presentation will be from Groundwork.
Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that there would be a meeting before the consultation event with Groundwork and Play Stillingfleet to try and provide answers on matters such as who would run the proposed play area, the annual cost of the play area and who would undertake the risk assessments. He stressed that until these important questions were answered then the Parish Council could not make a decision on the play area.
Councillor Elmhirst had met a Councillor from Wiggington Parish Council, York who had helped set up a play area, one of the things he emphasised was the importance of community engagement. Councillor Cook questioned if Stillingfleet still had an interested public group. Other Councillors raised concerns over this giving examples from the Village Hall Committee and the struggles they have had in engaging the community. Councillor Lewis confirmed that she believed that the swell of support for a play area was still there.
Councillor Elmhirst confirmed that there was no reason why some of the money from the Parish field couldn’t be used towards the play area.
Councillor Harrison stated that there were not many police matters to report. The police were asking for people in the local villages to pass on information, for Stillingfleet this can be done through Councillor Harrison.
Councillors asked if people could be extra vigilant especially with the recent fly tipping of tyres.
There was going to be a hearing on the planning application on the land at the Former Stillingfleet Mine Site, Escrick Road, Stillingfleet at which Councillor Elmhirst had registered to speak, however, this had now been postponed until Autumn. Councillor Cook explained that the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) had raised concerns over NYCC’s Mineral and Waste Joint Plan.
Clay Pit, Escrick, at present this is only a scoping application to find out what reports are required. This would be a twenty five year project. The Campaign to Protect Rural England have been examining the clay deposits near Great Heck.
Selby District Council had granted planning permission on the erection of a roundhouse agricultural livestock building, Stillingfleet House, Stewart Lane, Stillingfleet.
Selby District Council had granted planning permission on the conversion of existing barns into three dwelling houses at Woodlands Farm Barns, Moreby, Stillingfleet.
Councillor Cook requested that a further application to the transparency fund be made to obtain a maintenance contract for the website and for the Clerk’s time for updating the website.
To approved a further application to the Transparency Fund for a maintenance contract and the Clerk’s time.
Councillor Elmhirst reported that David Atkinson had not started cutting the Green yet.
Councillor Elmhirst reported that the Stewardship Scheme on the Green would come to an end in 2020. He asked Councillors to consider the council’s position as the grant from Natural England covers the cutting of the Green, if the Stewardship scheme was not there then the village would have to find the money for this to be done. It was pointed out that it is the baling that is expensive and this is something that Natural England insists upon. If the Green was just cut the costs wouldn’t be as high.
Councillor Elmhirst to look into this matter further
The Clerk submitted her wage slip for payment.
To pay Mrs H Breheney, Clerk to the Council, for April and May 2017 – £132.71.
Invoice received from HMRC for the Clerk’s tax, paid by the Clerk as had to be received by HMRC before the 22 July and therefore before the Parish Meeting.
To refund the Clerk for the HMRC payment of £16.80.
Invoice received from Purely Payroll for administering the Council’s payroll.
To pay the Purely Payroll invoice for £12.05.
Invoice outstanding from previous meetings for Acorn Lighting Service for £72.72 for work on light 3, Cawood Road and work on Laburnum Grove.
To pay the Acorn Lighting Service invoice for £72.72.
Councillor Swinglehurst confirmed that the entitlements have now been signed over to him.
Councillor Elmhirst to speak with Cundalls Solicitors to clarify the situation with the entitlements.
Councillor Swinghirst reported that he had not received an invoice for the rent on the charity field.
The Clerk to generate an invoice for the rent on the Charity Field and send to Councillor Swinglehurst.
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – Now being circulated to all Councillors.
Yorkshire Local Council Association (YLCA) Annual Review – Now being circulated to all Councillors.
Tyres dumped by the side of Stillingfleet/Kelfield Road – It was reported that these have now been removed. Councillor Daniel asked if something could be put in the Parish Magazine asking people to be vigilant.
To put something in the Parish magazine about the recent fly tipping.
Register of Interest Forms – Councillor Elmhirst gave a brief overview of the Standards Training he had recently attended. It was suggested that Councillors Register of Interest forms were updated at the Annual Parish Meeting each May.
Councillor Atkinson reported that there was a leak at the bottom of the Gale and sewerage was coming out. The Environment Health Department at Selby District Council had not been able to help unless it could be identified who was responsible for it.
The Village Green Committee to go and have a look to see if there is anything they can do.
Street Lights – Councillor Cook raised the question if the lights could be replaced with solar lights and then there would be no annual costs.
Councillor Cook to look into this matter.
It was noted that Selby District Council was promoting responsible dog ownership through a number of different initiatives on the “Don’t be a Waster” campaign.
To monitor the initiatives to see if any could be adopted in Stillingfleet.
Thursday 5 October at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 8.50pm