Minutes of meeting held on 4th August 2016

Present:- Cllrs P Elmhirst, L Collingridge, J Cook, R Daniel, J Pollock, A Spaven, D Swinglehurst.

In Attendance:- J Birch (Clerk to Council), Paul Holt, Sally Lewis, Ross Powell, Alison Rothwell.

Public Participation:-

The representatives of the playground group Play Stillingfleet (the last three names on the attendance list above) distributed to everyone present a written presentation on five potential playground sites and funding ideas. Each of the three in turn spoke on the different aspects covered by the presentation. For brevity, this minute does not repeat the reasons stated for the need for a playground.

In reply to queries from Parish Councillors, the answers were that that the potential sites were in no particular order and that the age range to be catered for was from toddlers up to unaccompanied children.

Apologies:- None.

Declarations of Interest:- Cllr Cook (a non-pecuniary interest as he used a firm that might be proposed for the website).

Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 26th May 2016 were confirmed as a correct record.

Play Stillingfleet Group:

Cllr Elmhirst mentioned problems and reported that, if the green was to be used, an application to fence off part under the Enclosure Act might cost £4,960, there were concerns about siting it on the green and the approval of Natural England was required and wherever it was to be there was insurance, maintenance, construction and risk assessment costs.

It was resolved to form a committee of Cllrs Spaven, Collingridge, Pollock and Elmhirst. (Cllrs Collingridge and Pollock expressed an intention to withdraw from Play Stillingfleet group.) The committee would liaise with Play Stillingfleet Group in order to identify those issues which were matters for the parish council to deal with and those which could be organised or expedited by the group.

Cllr Cook said that the Parish Field should be discounted as unsuitable and this was so resolved.

Cllr Pollock reported that, with the approval of the Chairman and authorisation of the Clerk, she had checked with Zurich and a rope swing was insurable, at no extra cost, provided that it was professionally installed, there were regular risk assessments to highlight maintenance and the tree was inspected by a professional tree surgeon before installation and the tree swing to be annually inspected by a third party such as ROSPA. She had only found one firm who would potentially supply and install a replacement rope swing but they would charge a preliminary fee of £350 prior to any supply and installation and she had doubts about whether the location would pass a risk assessment. It was resolved that this should be a matter in due course for the Committee to deal with.

The three representatives did not stay in the meeting beyond the end of this item.

Matters arising from meeting 26th May 2016:-

Noticeboards – it was reported that the noticeboard on the green had been repaired by Trevor.

Police matters

Cllr Cook distributed some information about Community Messaging, a new system.

The Clerk reported that this replaced Ringmaster. He had been asked by the Police for the email addresses of Parish Councillors for distribution of their Community Messaging; there was no objection.

Planning matters:-

Conifer Drive development: PC letter dated 30/5/16 sent to IDB and reply received; later reply that the flap valve was installed – Cllr Elmhirst to check.

Manor Cottage development – still some unsold properties.

SDC Planning have agreed to a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use as a touring caravan site at The Bungalow, Moreby Grange, Moreby

Planning application for alteration to boundary, vehicular access and erection of a car port at The Cottage, Moreby: PC observations have been sent – Cllr Elmhirst read out the PC observations that included objections to the proposed gabion wall.

Agricultural planning application for change to housing of two agricultural units, Ashfield Farm, York Road: PC observations will have been sent –

In reply to queries raised, Cllr Elmhirst said he would check whether the recent relaxation of planning rules also applied to conversion of a Dutch barn type of building.

Consultation on City of York Local Plan: details on –

The Clerk reported that the developments near the designer outlet and at Acre Farm had been shelved and he passed to Cllr Cook the news pages distributed in Fulford detailing all the proposed amendments.

Retrospective planning application for change of use of agricultural land to pheasant rearing at Ashfield Farm, York Road –

This had been circulated and was just received back by the Chairman for preparation of the observations. Concern was expressed of the smell and the incessant pecking noise and so limitation of the permitted area.

Retrospective planning application for change of use of agricultural land to be used as a motocross track including associated earth jumps at land South of Airfield, Back Lane, Acaster Selby –

It was noted that this was occurring every Sunday with unacceptable noise for which SDC had issued a noise abatement order that had not been enforced. It was resolved that more information was needed before preparation of the PC observations.

Claim to Transparency Fund

Cllr Collingridge reported that, of six enquiries, three acceptable quotations had been received; the lowest by Samantha whose husband was a backup and she was helpful. Concern was expressed by Cllr Spaven that the on-going hosting cost was double and it was stressed that the copyright was to remain with the PC. Cllr Cook did not vote and it was resolved to approve the action and to instruct Samantha to proceed with a draft design for presentation to the next meeting.

Village Green:-

Work to trees: stump grinding: 2nd reminder sent 12/10/14 –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that the stumps were only 2inches high but Cllr Swinglehurst said it was a hazard for the cutters. The Clerk reported that he had written a reminder.

Meeting with Natural England – no invoice for weed wiping yet received. An improvement was noted in the condition of the green but it would take 3 or 4 years.

Committee accepted David Atkinson’s tender for hay cutting and disposal of bales for £1,550 plus vat – done in the dry weather window. It was noted that there was a wet area of the green in front of Harmony House and it was resolved to monitor this.

Procedure for grazing with sheep: either acceptance of tender or appointment of Committee –

Cllr Elmhirst reported that it was unlikely anyone wanted to graze the green and he was waiting for an alternative specification from Natural England that would have to be followed and so that there was no need for a Committee.

Risk Assessment

Church boundary wall –

Cllr Daniel reported that the church architect informally was in favour of an earth bank against the wall but his written report was awaited.

Financial matters:-

Audit procedure as attached (with minor amendments made) was accepted.

Fred Jackson – auditor’s report was read out by Cllr Elmhirst. The Clerk said in reply that the mistake of 70p under-claimed for ink cartridges was accepted, he had forgotten the budget for the half year as the invoice for weed wiping had not been received at the time, the £1 difference in the Accounting Statements is due to rounding not an error, he has had no supporting documentation for the receipt of the Transparency payment, the half yearly audit was done by Cllr Daniel but Cllr Spaven was not at the December meeting and he had forgotten to record its completion and that he had destroyed his copy of the agenda to which the draft calculation for the Precept was attached. £70.00 to Fred Jackson was approved for payment.

Cllr J Cook – paid invoice received for 36no. Queen’s 90th Birthday Commemoration Mugs for £110.83 plus vat was approved for payment to reimburse Cllr Cook. It was noted that it was for mugs not medals.

Charity Fund – £1847.50 as the two rent payments for the Parish Field FBT for 2015-16 made by BACS to the PC bank account was approved for payment.

Branches Out – invoice received for £380.00 for the attention to four trees on the green was approved for payment.

Acorn Lighting Services Ltd – invoice received for no. 6, The Green for £40.00 plus vat for supply photocell was approved for payment.

Clerk’s pay – National Joint Council rate increased from £8.613 to £8.717 per hr was approved.

David Atkinson – invoice received for Cut green, make into Hay and Dispose for £1,550.00 plus vat, as quote, was approved for payment.

Charity matters:-

FBT Agreement: PC gave notice to David Patrick Atkinson to quit on 30th September 2016, all rent received

Procedure for a new Farm Business Tenant: either acceptance or appointment of Committee –

Cllr Spaven to refer the matter to Mr Warters of Cundalls and Cllrs Spaven and Elmhirst were authorised to accept a Farm Business Tenant for the Parish Field, which was due to commence on 1st October 2016.

Update on buses and Cawood Bridge: to discuss an agreement to begin negotiations and whether to set up a Committee to keep things rolling until our October meeting –

Cllr Elmhirst reported on the meeting that he had attended and, as other major parishes were included, the cost to Stillingfleet would be minimal. Cawood Bridge would be closed for some weeks next year for upgrading to 10 tons. It was resolved to support the reinstatement of Sunday and Bank Holiday services by Utopia and a Committee was not required as it was not imminent.


YLCA Selby Branch notification and agenda for annual meeting on June 15th and minutes of meeting on 10/2/16 – forwarded to representatives.

Fields in Trust centenary fields programme

NYCC Selby Area Committee notice and agenda for meeting on June 13th

Ouse & Derwent Internal Drainage Board notice of Public Rights and Publication of unaudited annual return

SDC Tenant and Leaseholder Panel request to complete information pack for new tenants –

Cllr Collingridge and Grace Atkinson were compiling a list of Stillingfleet services for residents and so this item was passed to Cllr Collingridge to respond in due course.

YLCA White Rose Update 10 June 2016 and Training and Professional Services Calendar 2016

YLCA notice and agenda of joint annual meeting on July 16th and Annual Review 2015/2016

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2016, with Wicksteed playgrounds advertisement

Any other business –

Clerk retirement: to consider action including possible appointment of Committee –

A Committee of Cllrs Elmhirst, Collingridge and Cook was set up.

Date of next meeting – Thursday 6th October 2016 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed 9.35 pm.